Jökulls Þattr 3 part 3 - - Grace's translation

From: Fred & Grace Hatton
Message: 12441
Date: 2012-07-31

Þetta undrast Grímnir, hverju gegna muni, at faðir hans var veginn, en sér
Grimnir was astonished at that, who (he) would go against that his father
was slain, and sees

engan mann, stökkr upp ok lætr sópa greiprnar um allan hellinn. Þetta þykkir
no man, sprang to his feet and made a clean sweep about the whole cave.
That seems

Jökli allmikit gaman, tekr af sér gullit ok vill eigi leynast lengr. Þat sér
to Jokull a great amusement, (and he) takes off the gold ring and doesn’t
want to hide himself any longer.

Grímnir ok ræðr á hann, ok takast þeir fangbrögðum ok glíma allsterkliga,
Grimnir sees it and attacks him and wrestling takes place and very intense

svá flest hlýtr upp at ganga. Verðr þat um síðir, at Grímnir fellr.
so most is obliged? to go up?? It happens after a while that Grimnir falls.

Þetta sér Gnípa, skellir upp ok hlær ok mælti: "Nú gerði gæfumuninn, sem
Gnipa sees this, bursts out with roaring laughter and laughing, speaks, “Now
a difference in luck happens, as

betr var, ok mundu, Jökull minn, hverju þú hefir lofat."
was better and would, my Jokull, you who have praised.” (I couldn’t figure
this part out at all)

Jökull mælti: "Góðs ertu maklig af mér. Nú eru tvenn kostaboð, Grímnir, sá
Jokull spoke, “You are properly good to? me. Now are two options, Grimnir,

eini ek drep þik nú þegar í stað, sá annarr, at þú eigir Gnípu, vinkonu
one: I kill you now at once in place; the other: that you marry Gnipa, my

mína, ok skaltu vera konungr yfir Jötnaheimi, sem faðir þinn var. Vil ek ok
female-friend, and you shall be king over Giantland, as your father was. I
also want

gefa þér allan auð eftir föður þinn."
to give you all wealth after your father.”
Grímnir játar þessu. Lætr Jökull hann nú upp standa, ok ganga innar eftir
Grimnir agrees to this. Jokull lets him stand up now and (they) go futher
inside back

hellinum. Þar var fagrt um at sjást, gull ok silfr nóg ok góð klæði. Hann
in the cave. There was fair to look about, gold and silver enough and good
clothing. He

skimast um hellinn ok sér, at þar eru tveir menn, lítt haldnir, karlmaðr ok
looks around the cave and sees, that there are two people in poor condition,
a man and

kona. Sitja þau bæði á einum stól ok eru strengd niðr við stólinn með
a woman. They both sit on one stool and are fastened down to the stool with

járnhlekkjum sterkum. Þau váru bæði mögr ok þó fögr at áliti. Jökull gekk at
strong iron chains. They were both young and still fair of face. Jokull
went to

stólnum ok spyrr þau at heiti.
the stool and asks them their names.

Hann segir: "Ek heiti Hvítserkr, sonr Soldáns konungs af Serklandi, en
He says, “I am named White Shirt, son of King Soldan of Serk Land, but

systir mín Marsibilla. Skrámr jötunn heillaði okkr hingat. Ætlaði hann
my sister, (is named) Marsibilla. Skram, (the) giant bewitched us hither.
He intended

Grímni, syni sínum, systur mína. Höfum vit verit hér fimm vetr. Er ek nú
Grimnir, his son, (to marry) my sister. We have been here five winters. I
am now

fimmtán vetra, en systir mín þrettán vetra. Hefir því valdit Marsibilla, at
fifteen years old, and my sister thirteen years old. Marsibilla has caused
it that

ek hefi svá lengi lifat, því at hon sagði þeim feðgum, at nornir hefðu spát
I have lived so long because she told them, father and son, that the norns
have foretold

henni, at hon mundi deyja þegar í stað, ef ek væra í hel sleginn, en þeir
to her that she would die at once in place, if I were struck in hel, and

trúðu því. Nú ef Skrámr vissi þat þú værir hér, mundi hann láta drepa þik ok
believed it. Now if Skram knew it that you were here, he would have you
killed and

hafa þik í spað, því svá hefir hann fleirum gert."
have you in soup as he has done to others.”

Fred & Grace Hatton
Hawley, Pa.

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