From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 12370
Date: 2012-06-09
> Ketill flatnefur hét einn ágætur hersir í Noregi.A certain famous/excellent local chieftain in Norway was
> Ketill "flatnose" was the name of a famous local chieftain
> in Norway.
> A famous lord in Norway was named Ketill flat-nose.
> Hann var sonur Bjarnar bunu Grímssonar hersis úr Sogni.He was the son of Björn buna, son of Grím, a local chieftain
> He was a son of Bjarnar bunu, son of Grim's, a local
> chieftain from Sogni.
> He was a son of Bjorn bunu, son of Grim, a lord of Sogn.
> Ketill var kvongaður.Ketil was married.
> Ketill was married.
> Ketill was married.
> Hann átti Yngveldi, dóttur Ketils veðurs hersis afHe had (as wife) Yngvild, daughter of Ketil veðr [‘wether’],
> Raumaríki.
> He married Yngveld, daughter of Ketil wind, a chieftain
> from Raumarik.
> He married Yngveld, daughter of Ketil wether, lord of
> Romerike.
> Björn og Helgi hétu synir þeirra en dætur þeirra voru þærTheir sons were called Björn and Helgi, and their daughters
> Auður hin djúpúðga, Þórunn hyrna og Jórunn mannvitsbrekka.
> Bjorn and Helgi were the names of their sons, and their
> daughters were Audr the deep-minded, Thorun the horned,
> and Jorunn the understanding-slope (?).
> Their sons were named Bjorn and Helgi and their daughters
> were those, Aud the deepminded, Thorunn axe point and
> Jorunn wisdom-slope??
> Björn sonur Ketils var fóstraður austur á Jamtalandi meðBjörn, Ketil’s son, was fostered eastward in Jämtland with
> jarli þeim er Kjallakur hét, vitur maður og ágætur.
> Ketil's son Bjorn was fostered east to Jamtalandi with the
> Earl who was named Kjallakr, a wise and famous man.
> Bjorn, Ketil’s son, was fostered east to Jamtaland with
> that earl who is named Kjallak, a wise man and famous.
> Jarlinn átti son er Björn hét en Gjaflaug hét dóttir hans.The jarl had a son who was called Björn, and his daughter
> The earl had a son who was named Bjorn and Gjaflaug was
> the name of his daughter.
> The earl had a son who was named Bjorn and his daughter
> was named Gjaflaug.
> Þetta var í þann tíma er Haraldur konungur hinn hárfagriThis was in the time when king Harald the fair-hair(ed) came
> gekk til ríkis í Noregi.
> This was in the time when King Harald the fair-haired came
> to power in Norway.
> This was in that time when King Harald the fair-haired
> ascended to power in Norway.
> Fyrir þeim ófriði flýðu margir göfgir menn óðul sín afOn account of the hostilities many worshipful/noble men went
> Noregi, sumir austur um Kjölu, sumir um haf vestur.
> Before the war, many noble men fled their estates from
> Norway, some east around Kjolu, some across the west sea.
> Before those hostilities many honourable men fled his
> rashness?? (wild guess, couldn’t find it anywhere) from
> Norway, some east over Kjolens, some west over the sea.
> Þeir voru sumir er héldu sig á vetrum í Suðureyjum eðaThere were some who wintered in the Hebrides or in Orkney
> Orkneyjum en um sumrum herjuðu þeir í Noreg og gerðu
> mikinn skaða í ríki Haralds konungs.
> There were some who stayed at winter in the South islands
> or Orkney islands and some they harried in Norway and did
> great damage to the kingdom of King Hararld.
> Some, they were, who held themselves in winter in the
> Hebrides or Orkneys but during the summer they harried in
> Norway and did much harm in King Harald’s kingdom.
> Bændur kærðu þetta fyrir konungi og báðu hann frelsa sigThe farmers/landowners complained of this to the king and
> af þessum ófriði.
> Farmers complained about this before the king and asked
> him to free them from this (destruction from) war.
> Farmers brought this before (the) king and bade him free
> them from these hostilities.
> Þá gerði Haraldur konungur það ráð að hann lét búa herThen king Harald made that plan that he had an army made
> vestur um haf og kvað Ketil flatnef skyldu höfðingja vera
> yfir þeim her.
> Then King Harald made that plan that he caused to make
> ready an army west across the sea and said Ketil flatnose
> should be leader over the troops.
> Then King Harald made that plan that he had troops made
> ready (to go) overseas and told Ketill flat-nose (he)
> should be chieftain over those troops.
> Ketill taldist undan en konungur kvað hann fara skyldu.Ketil refused, but the king said that he should [i.e., had
> Ketill declined but (the) king said he should go.
> Ketill refused, but (the) king said he should go.
> Og er Ketill sá að konungur vill ráða réðst hann tilAnd when Ketil saw that (the) king will prevail, he
> ferðarinnar og hafði með sér konu sína og börn, þau sem
> þar voru.
> And when Ketill saw that the King will prevail, he
> undertook the journey and had with him his wife and
> children, they as they were there.
> And when Ketill saw that (the) king would insist, he made
> himself ready for the journey and had with him his wife
> and children, those who were there.
> En er Ketill kom vestur um haf átti hann þar nokkurarAnd when Ketil came west over the sea, he had there several
> orustur og hafði jafnan sigur.
> When Ketill came west over the sea, he had there a battle
> and had always victory.
> And when Ketill came west over the sea he had some battles
> there and had always (been) victor.
> Hann lagði undir sig Suðureyjar og gerðist höfðingi yfir.He conquered the Hebrides and became chieftain over (them).
> He himself conquered the South Islands and became a
> chieftain over (them).
> He conquered the Hebrides and became chieftain over
> (them).
> Sættist hann þá við hina stærstu höfðingja fyrir vestanHe then came to terms with the greatest chieftains west of
> haf og batt við þá tengdir en sendi austur aftur herinn.
> He then reconciled himself with the biggest leaders over
> the west sea and contracted with them affinity and sent
> east after the army.
> He set himself (up) then as the strongest chieftain over
> the western sea and made alliances with (others?) then by
> affinity, but sent the troops back east.
> Og er þeir komu á fund Haralds konungs sögðu þeir aðAnd when they talked with king Harald, they said that Ketil
> Ketill flatnefur var höfðingi í Suðureyjum en eigi sögðust
> þeir vita að hann drægi Haraldi konungi ríki fyrir vestan
> haf.
> And when they came to meet King Harald, they said that
> Ketill flatnose was a chieftain in the South Islands but
> they didn't declare to know that he procured King Harald's
> rule over the west sea.
> And when they came to a meeting with King Harald they said
> that Ketill flat-nose was chieftain in the Hebrides, but
> they did not say they knew that he had appropriated to
> himself King Harald’s kingdom over the western sea.
> En er konungur spyr þetta þá tekur hann undir sig eignirAnd when the king hears this, he seizes the possessions that
> þær er Ketill átti í Noregi.
> When the king learned this, the he lays hold of the
> properties Ketill had in Norway. (Z. taka 12 - t. e-t
> undir sik, to lay hold of)
> And when (the) king learns this then he seizes those
> possessions which Ketill had in Norway.
> Ketill flatnefur gifti Auði dóttur sína Ólafi hvíta er þáKetil flatnefr gave his daughter Auð in marriage to Óláf
> var mestur herkonungur fyrir vestan haf.
> Ketill flatnose married his daughter Aud to Olaf the white
> who then was the greatest warrior-king of the west sea.
> Ketill flat-nose married his daughter, Aud, to Olaf the
> white who then was the greatest warrior-king of the
> western sea.
> Hann var sonur Ingjalds Helgasonar en móðir Ingjalds varHe was (the) son of Ingjald Helgason, and Ingjald’s mother
> Þóra, dóttir Sigurðar orms í auga, Ragnarssonar loðbrókar.
> He was a son of Ingald Helgason's, and Ingjald's mother
> was Thora, daughter of Sigurdr worms in eyes, Ragnarson's
> shaggy-breeks.
> He was a son of Ingjald, Helgi’s son, and Ingjald’s mother
> was Thora, daughter of Sigurd snake in eye, son of Ragnar
> shaggy britches.