"Jökuls þáttr Búasonar" sounds reasonable to me as a next step.


--- In norse_course@yahoogroups.com, "Brian M. Scott" <bm.brian@...> wrote:
> At 6:11:44 AM on Tuesday, June 5, 2012, Fred & Grace Hatton
> wrote:
> > Are there shorter things that folks would like to
> > translate on Mondays for the next two months?
> Heimskringla.no has 'Jökuls þáttr Búasonar', which is short
> -- just three chapters -- and is a natural to go with
> 'Kjalnesinga saga'.
> <http://www.heimskringla.no/wiki/J%C3%B6kuls_%C3%BE%C3%A1ttr_B%C3%BAasonar>
> One possibility after that is the rest of 'Tattúínárdœla
> saga': Jackson finished it a while back. We (and he) had
> left off at the end of Ch. 36. There's an interlude at that
> point. As Jackson puts it, '[t]here is a sizable lacuna
> between Chapters 36 and 42 in our manuscript'. He
> summarizes what 'can be guessed at from the contents of the
> fragmentary Veiðrsdrápa ("Song of Praise for Veiðr")' and
> picks up with the prose story at Ch. 42. The final chapter
> is Ch. 53.
> Brian