From: Michael Murphy
Message: 12361
Date: 2012-06-06
Dear Fred and Grace, In reply to your enquiry re "shorter things," in my own particular case, I would certainly benefit -- in fact, the shorter the better. Although I am 100% interested in Old Icelandic, I find the level of this group way beyond mine. In fact, I thought I was logging in to a "beginners' " group. I thoroughly enjoy it, and I envy you your proficiency in translation, a standard I eventually hope to reach. Do you know of a beginners' group, I mean one where there is e-mail interaction, support and exercises, with feedback? I'm aware there are probably hundreds of courses in OI on the web, but I would prefer to be part of a group. Ideally, if you know of any such site in Iceland, could you please send me details. By the way, I'm not actually a beginner, probably around
lower intermediate level. Looking forward to hearing from you, Michael --- On Tue, 5/6/12, Fred & Grace Hatton <hatton@...> wrote: |