Laxdaela Saga 49 part 3 - - Grace's translation

From: Fred & Grace Hatton
Message: 12354
Date: 2012-06-04

Brá hann því jafnan undir fót sér. Urðu þá hvorirtveggju sárir,
Ósvífurssynir og Án, en Kjartan
He always turned it under his foot (to straighten it – according to M&P).
Both (sides?) became wounded, Osvif’s sons and An, but Kjartan

var þá enn ekki sár. Kjartan barðist svo snart og hraustlega að þeir
Ósvífurssynir hopuðu undan
was then still not wounded. Kjartan fought so quickly and valiantly that
they, Osvif’s sons, retreated

og sneru þá þar að sem Án var. Þá féll Án og hafði hann þó barist um hríð
svo að úti lágu iðrin. Í
and (they) turned then there to where An was. Then An fell and he had still
fought on?? for a time so that (his) entrails lay outside.

þessi svipan hjó Kjartan fót af Guðlaugi fyrir ofan kné og var honum sá
áverki ærinn til bana. Þá
In this fight Kjartan hewed Gudlaug’s leg off above (the) knee and that
misdeed was sufficient for him to (cause his) death. Then

sækja þeir Ósvífurssynir fjórir Kjartan og varðist hann svo hraustlega að
hvergi fór hann á hæl fyrir þeim.
Then those four Osvif’s sons attack Kjartan he defended himself so valiantly
that neither did he retreat before them.

Þá mælti Kjartan: "Bolli frændi, hví fórstu heiman ef þú vildir kyrr standa
hjá? Og er þér nú það
Then Kjartan spoke, “Bolli kinsman, why did you go from home if you want to
stand quietly nearby? And when you now

vænst að veita öðrum hvorum og reyna nú hversu Fótbítur dugi."
expect it that to grant to which (or) other (whichever side) to prove now
how Foot biter serves.”

Bolli lét sem hann heyrði eigi.
Bolli made as if he did not hear.

Og er Óspakur sá að þeir mundu eigi bera af Kjartani þá eggjar hann Bolla á
alla vega, kvað hann
And when Ospak saw that they would not overcome Kjartan then he urges Bolli
in every way, said he

eigi mundu vilja vita þá skömm eftir sér að hafa heitið þeim vígsgangi og
veita nú ekki "og var
would not want to know that shame after himself to have promised them
backing in a battle and now not granting (it) “and

Kjartan oss þá þungur í skiptum er vér höfðum eigi jafnstórt til gert. Og ef
Kjartan skal nú undan
Kjartan was then for us difficult in dealing when we had not done equally
severe (things) to (him). And if Kjartan shall now escape

rekast þá mun þér Bolli svo sem oss skammt til afarkosta."
then you, Bolli, will such as us scarcely (escape) hard terms.

Þá brá Bolli Fótbít og snýr nú að Kjartani.
Then Bolli drew Foot biter and turns now towards Kjartan.

Þá mælti Kjartan til Bolla: "Víst ætlar þú nú frændi níðingsverk að gera en
miklu þykir mér betra
Then Kjartan spoke to Bolli, “Certainly now you anticipate, kinsman, to do
dastardly work, but (it) seems much better to me

að þiggja banorð af þér frændi en veita þér það."
to receive (my) death blow from you, kinsman, than give it to you.”

Síðan kastaði Kjartan vopnum og vildi þá eigi verja sig en þó var hann lítt
sár en ákaflega
Afterwards Kjartan cast down (his) weapons and then did not want to defend
himself but still he was lightly wounded but very

vígmóður. Engi veitti Bolli svör máli Kjartans en þó veitti hann honum
banasár. Bolli settist
exhausted from battle. Bolli did not give an answer to Kjartan’s speech,
but still he gave him his death wound. Bolli set himself

þegar undir herðar honum og andaðist Kjartan í knjám Bolla. Iðraðist Bolli
þegar verksins og
at once under his shoulders and Kjartan died on Bolli’s knees. Bolli
immediately regretted the deed and

lýsti vígi á hendur sér. Bolli sendi þá Ósvífurssonu til héraðs en hann var
eftir og Þórarinn hjá líkunum.
announced the slaying at his hands. Bolli sent Osvif’s sons then to the
district but he stayed behind and Thorarin (as well) near the body.

Fred & Grace Hatton
Hawley, Pa.

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