From: Alan Thompson
Message: 12265
Date: 2012-04-03
Here’s my translation
By the way, I will not be available to submit translations from 7-14 April
Þann vetur öndverðan andaðist Ásgeir æðikollur. Tóku synir hans þar við búi og fé.
That winter early, Asgeirr Hot-head breathed-his-last. There-with (with that) his sons took (received, inherited) (the) farm and property.
47. kafli - Kjartan fór til Lauga
Chapter 47 - Kjartan went to Laugar.
Eftir jól um veturinn safnar Kjartan að sér mönnum. Urðu þeir saman sex
After Yule during the-winter, Kjartan assembled to himself men (persons). They became together six
tigir manna. Ekki sagði Kjartan föður sínum hversu af stóðst um ferð þessa.
tens of men (ie sixty men). Kjartan did not say to his father how (it) stood concerning this journey (ie why he was undertaking it, see standast af, Z16).
Spurði Ólafur og lítt að. Kjartan hafði með sér tjöld og vistir.
Ólafr asked also little regarding (it). Kjartan had (took) with him tents and provisions.
Ríður Kjartan nú leið sína þar til er hann kemur til Lauga. Hann biður menn
Kjartan rides now on his way until he comes to Laugar. He asks (his) men
stíga af baki og mælti að sumir skyldu geyma hesta þeirra en suma biður hann reisa
to dismount (lit: to step off (horse) back) and spoke that some (men) should mind their horses but (and) he asks (present tense) some to raise (erect)
tjöld. Í þann tíma var það mikil tíska að úti var salerni og eigi allskammt
(the) tents. At that time, that was (the) great vogue (tízka) that the privy was outside and not a very-short (distance)
frá bænum og svo var að Laugum. Kjartan lét þar taka dyr allar á húsum og
from the-farmstead and so (it) was at Laugar. Kjartan caused there to take (seize) all doorways to the farm-buildings (pl, see hus, Z1) and
bannaði öllum mönnum útgöngu og dreitti þau inni þrjár nætur.
banned (prohibited) outgoing (exit) to all persons (men) and shut them (men and women) inside for three nights (so that they had to relieve themselves inside - great to know that this act has its own word)
Eftir það ríður Kjartan heim í Hjarðarholt og hver hans förunauta til síns heimilis.
After that Kjartan rides home into Hjarðarholt and each of his travelling-companions to his-own house.
Ólafur lætur illa yfir þessi ferð. Þorgerður kvað eigi lasta þurfa og
Ólafr expresses disapproval of this journey. Þorgerðr declared not to need to blame (it) (there was no need to criticise) and
sagði Laugamenn til slíks gert hafa eða meiri svívirðingar.
said (the) persons (men)-of-Laugar to have deserved such (göra til e-s, Z13) or (even) more dishonour.
Þá mælti Hrefna: "Áttir þú Kjartan við nokkura menn tal að Laugum?"
Then Hrefna spoke: “Had you, Kjartan, conversation with some persons (men) at Laugar?”
Hann svarar: "Lítið var bragð að því."
He answers: “Little was (the) time (? cf skömmu bragði, Z1) for that.”
Segir hann að þeir Bolli skiptust við nokkurum orðum.
He says that they, Bolli (and he) made-an-exchange with some words.
Þá mælti Hrefna og brosti við: "Það er mér sannlega sagt að þið Guðrún munuð
Then Hrefna spoke and smiled with (it, ie in doing so, at the same time, I note Z but will go with my gut feel): ‘That is to me truly said that you-two (þið), Guðrún (and you) will
hafa við talast og svo hefi eg spurt hversu hún var búin að hún hefði nú
have spoken-with-each-other and also I have heard how she was arrayed (so) that she had now
faldið sig við motrinum og semdi einkar vel."
arrayed herself with the-head-dress and arranged (semja, Z1) (it) exceedingly well.”
Kjartan svarar og roðnaði mjög við. Var mönnum auðfynt að hann reiddist við
Kjartan answers and reddened much with (it, ie in doing so,at the same time, cf brósa við above). (It) was for persons (men) easily-found (clear) that he became-angry with (it)
er hún hafði þetta í fleymingi.
when (or that?) she had this jest (ie made sport of this).
"Ekki bar mér það fyrir augu er þú segir frá Hrefna," segir Kjartan,
“That, which you speak about, Hrefna, carried (happened, bera, simple past tense, 3rd pers sg) not before my eyes (ie it did not happen),” says Kjartan,
"mundi Guðrún ekki þurfa að falda sér motri til þess að sama betur en allar konur aðrar."
Guðrún would not need to arrange on herself a head-dress in order to look better than all other women.”
Þá hætti Hrefna þessu tali.
Then Hrefna left-off (the other hætta) this conversation (well, I´d be left speechless too)
Þeim Laugamönnum líkar illa og þótti þetta miklu meiri svívirðing og verri
(It) ill-pleases those persons-(men)-of-Laugar and this seemed a much greater dishonour and worse
en þótt Kjartan hefði drepið mann eða tvo fyrir þeim.
than even-if Kjartan had killed a person (man) or two against (?) them.
Voru þeir synir Ósvífurs óðastir á þetta mál en Bolli svafði heldur. Guðrún talaði hér fæst
Those sons of Ósvífr were (the) most furious at this speech but Bolli assuaged (them) rather. Guðrún talked here least
um en þó fundu menn það á orðum hennar að eigi væri víst hvort öðrum lægi í meira rúmi
about (it) but nevertheless men found (noticed) that in her words that (it) were not certain whether (it) was of greater concern to others (see e-m liggr e-t í miklu rúmi, rúm, Z1)
en henni. Gerist nú fullkominn fjandskapur milli Laugamanna og
than to her. A full-on enmity now arises between (the) persons (men)-of-Laugar and
Hjarðhyltinga. Og er á leið veturinn fæddi Hrefna barn. Það var sveinn og
(the) Hjarðarholters. And when (it) passes the-winter (ie when winter drew to a close, see líða á e-t, Z6), Hrefna gave-birth-to a child. That was a boy and
var nefndur Ásgeir.
(he) was named Ásgeir.