From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 12227
Date: 2012-03-08
> Þótti mönnum þar mikils um það vert hversu mikil efni þarSince this immediately follows the statement that Kjartan
> voru til seld því að hann hafði lengi þjónað hinum
> ágætasta höfðingja, Ólafi konungi Tryggvasyni.
> It was thought by people there much concerning that was
> how much stuff was there overdone because he had long
> served the most noble leader, King Olaf Tryggvasyni.
> (It) seemed to people there great regarding the value of
> how much stuff there was presented because he had long
> served the most excellent chieftain, King Olaf Tryggvy’s
> son.
> That seemed to (the) persons (men) there worthy of much,
> how great means (matters?) there were given out
> (delivered?) because he had for-a-long-time served the
> most-excellent (I thought of several possible
> interpretations of this from how great the matters of
> state that were dealt with to how great the physical
> goods that were distributed to how extensive was the
> subject matter that was presented all of which may be
> totally wide of the mark) chieftain, King Ólafr
> Triggvis-son.
> En þá er boðinu var slitið valdi Kjartan góðar gjafirThis one looks like narrative <en> 'and' to me.
> Guðmundi og Halli og öðru stórmenni.
> And when the feast was finished, Kjartan chose good gifts
> for Gudmund and Hall and other important people.
> And then when the wedding feast was dissolved, Kjartan
> chose good gifts for Gudmund and Hall and other important
> men.
> But when the-feast was broken-off (concluded) Kjartan
> picked-out good gifts for Guðmundr and Hallr and other
> men-of-rank.