Star Wars XXXIII end + beginning XXXIV - - Grace's translation

From: Fred & Grace Hatton
Message: 11926
Date: 2011-08-20

En Víga-Óbívan sǫng þetta galdralag, ok hélt sverðit Ljósamæki inn grœna fyr
hann, ok mælti
But Slayer Obiwan sang this magic lay and held the sword, Lightsaber the
green before him and spoke

sízt, “Valhǫll, ek køm.” En Veiðr sjándi þetta slá hann með Ljósamæki inn
rauða, ok Víga-Óbívan féll ok hvarf at sýn.
after, “Valhalla, I come.” But Vader, seeing this struck him with
Lightsaber the red and Slayer Obiwan fell and disappeared.

“Hvat?” segir Veiðr, fyr því at hann skynjaði eigi, hvat vas komit fyr. En
Lúkr reiddisk við ok
“What (the)…?” says Vader, because he did not understand what had happened.
And Luke became angry at (that) and

drap fimm menn með atgeir ok øxi. Þá tók hann Ljósamæki inn grœna, því
sverði es Víga-
killed five men with spear and axe. Then he took Lightsaber the green, the
sword which Slayer

Óbívan hafði áðr haldit, ok drap miklu fleiri menn, áðr en hann heyrði
Víga-Óbívans raust.
Obiwan had previously held, and killed many more men, before he heard Slayer
Obiwan’s voice.

“Renn, Lúkr, renn,” segir Víga-Óbívan ósénn, “Þú fær eigi hefnt mín í dag,
en ef þú kømsk
“Run, Luke, run,” says Slayer Obiwan unseen. “You are not able to avenge me
today, but if you escape

undan með Hólmgǫngu-Hana væntik þess, at þú mont hefna mín, ok fǫður þíns,
with Duel Han, I expect this, that you will avenge me and your father

hundraðfaldlega.” Ok síðan Lúkr trúði á orðum Víga-Óbívans, ok œskti þess,
at drepa marga
a hundredfold.” And afterwards Luke believed Slayer Obiwan’s words and would
have wished this to kill more

menn á hefnaleit Víga-Óbívans ok fǫður síns, rann hann í Falkann, ok
Hólmgǫngu-Hani ok
men in pursuit of vengeance for Slayer Obiwan and his father, he ran to
Falcon and Duel Han and

Tsíubakka inn fríski sigldu því góðu skipi á braut sem bráðast.
Chewbacca the Frisian sailed the good ship away as quickly as possible.

XXXIV. Kapítuli: Frá sjóbardaganum á Fálkanum
Of the sea battle on Falcon

Hólmgǫngu-Hani bað Lúk Anakinsson standa með hann á bǿgi Fálkans, því at
hann sá fyr at
Duel Han bade Luke Anakinn’s son to stand with him on Falcon’s bow, because
he saw ahead that

norrǿnir hermenn skyli fylgja þeim eptir frágǫngu þeira frá Dauðastjǫrnu.
Norse warriors would follow them after their departure from Death Star.

“Ek fæt þat trúat, at Víga-Óbívan sé dauðr,” segir Lúkr.
“I can’t believe it, that Slayer Obiwan is dead,” says Luke.

“Enn vas þat ómǫgulegt þér, at þú fengir hans þar hefnt,” segir Leia
“Still it was impossible for you that you were able to avenge him there,”
says Princess Leia.

“Þegið it bæði,” segir Hani, “Margir menn fleiri, þeir es vǭru góðir
drengir, eru nú drepnir. En
“Ye both be silent,” says Han, “ Many more men, those who were good brave
men, are now slain. But

hann lifandi es sitr syrgjandi annarrra dauða, sér eigi ǫr þá, es skotin es
at honum.”
he who, living, sits mourning other dead, sees not those arrows which are
shot at him.”

Ok es hann hafði orð þessi mælt, kom ǫr fljúgandi at skipinu hans ok festisk
á bǿgi fyrir neðan
And when he had spoken these words, arrows came flying at his ship and
buried themselves in (the) bow below

fǿtrna. “Þat’s svá ek sagða,” segir hann, “Statt nú með okkr Tsíubakka, því
hermenn fylgja boði slíku!”
(their) feet. “It is as I said,” says he, “Stand now with us Chewbacca,
warriors follow such announcement.”

Fred & Grace Hatton
Hawley, Pa.

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