From: Alan Thompson
Message: 11922
Date: 2011-08-16
Here’s my translation
39. kafli - Af Kjartani og Bolla
Chapter 39 – Of Kjartan and Bolli
Það var þá jafnan tíðhjalað í Breiðafjarðardölum um skipti þeirra Hrúts og
That was then (ie at that time) always much-spoken-about in Breiðarfjarðardalir (Broad-Fjord-Dales), concerning (the) squabbles (disputes) of them, Hrútr and
Þorleiks að Hrútur hefði þungt af fengið Kotkatli og sonum hans.
Þorleikr, that Hrútr had suffered hard treatment from Kotkell and his sons (see fá þungt af e-m, under þungr, Z2).
Þá mælti Ósvífur til Guðrúnar og bræðra hennar, bað þau á minnast hvort þá væri betur
Then Ósvífr spoke to Guðrún and her brothers, bade them to bear-in-mind whether then (it) would-have-been better
ráðið að hafa þar lagið sjálfa sig í hættu við heljarmenn slíka sem þau Kotkell voru.
advised to have there placed their own selves in danger (exposed themselves to danger, run the risk, see hætta, Z1) against accursed-fellows, such as they, Kotkell (and his) were.
Guðrún mælti: "Eigi er sá ráðlaus faðir er þinna ráða á kost."
Guðrún spoke: “That-one (he) is not without-(good)-counsel, father, who has opportunity of (ie to receive) your counsels.”
Ólafur sat nú í búi sínu með miklum sóma og eru þar allir synir hans heima
Ólafr sat (lived) now on his estate with great honour and all his sons are at-home
og svo Bolli frændi þeirra og fóstbróðir.
and also Bolli their kinsman and foster-brother.
Kjartan var mjög fyrir sonum Ólafs. Þeir Kjartan og Bolli unnust mest.
Kjartan was greatly superior (see fyrir, Z8) to Ólafr’s (other) sons. They, Kjartan and Bolli loved-one-another most.
Fór Kjartan hvergi þess er eigi fylgdi Bolli honum. Kjartan fór oft til
Kjartan went nowhere in so far as (see þess er, Z2) Bolli did not accompany him (ie unless Bolli accompanied him). Kjartan went often to
Sælingsdalslaugar. Jafnan bar svo til að Guðrún var að laugu. Þótti Kjartani
Sælingsdalslaugar. Always (it) also happened (see bera til, Z.ii.3) that Guðrún was at (the) hot-spring. (It) seemed to Kjartan
gott að tala við Guðrúnu því að hún var bæði vitur og málsnjöll. Það var
good to talk with Guðrún because she was both wise and eloquent. That was
allra manna mál að með þeim Kjartani og Guðrúnu þætti vera mest jafnræði
of all men (the) talk (hot gossip) that between them, Kjartan and Guðrún, (there) seemed to be (the) greatest match-of-equals
þeirra manna er þá óxu upp. Vinátta var og mikil með þeim Ólafi og Ósvífri
of those folk who then (at that time)were growing up. Friendship was also great between them, Ólafr and Ósvífr,
og jafnan heimboð og ekki því minnur að kært gerðist með hinum yngrum mönnum.
and constantly (never ending) invitations (to visit) and not less because (it) became intimate between the young folk (ie Kjartan and Guðrún´s intimacy by no means got in the way of the friendship between Ólafr and Ósvífr, rather the opposite).
Eitt sinn ræddi Ólafur við Kjartan: "Eigi veit eg," segir hann, "hví mér er
One time Ólafr spoke with Kjartan: “I do not know,” says he, “why to me (it) is
jafnan svo hugþungt er þú ferð til Lauga og talar við Guðrúnu.
always so heavy-of-heart (ie why I am so depressed) when you go to Laugar and talk with Guðrún.
En eigi er það fyrir því að eigi þætti mér Guðrún fyrir öllum konum öðrum og hún ein er
But (and) that is not because Guðrún would-not-seem to me superior to all other women and she alone is
svo kvenna að mér þyki þér fullkosta. Nú er það hugboð mitt, en eigi vil eg
such a woman that seems to me fully-matched with you. Now that is my foreboding, but I want not
þess spá, að vér frændur og Laugamenn berum eigi allsendis gæfu til um vor skipti."
to make-a-prophesy of that, that we kinsmen and (the) Laugar-folk (will) bear (have) not in-every-respect good-luck in (it) concerning our dealings.”
Kjartan kvaðst eigi vilja gera í mót vilja föður síns, það er hann mætti við gera,
Kjartan declared-of-himself not to want to act against (the) will of his father, that which he might prevent (act against),
en kvaðst vænta að þetta mundi betur takast en hann gat til.
but declared-of-himself to hope that this would turn-out better than he (ie his father) supposed (geta, Z.ii.1).
Heldur Kjartan teknum hætti um ferðir sínar. Fór Bolli jafnan með honum.
Kjartan kept up (the) taken (tekinn) course-of-action (háttr) )(ie went on as usual) concerning his journeys. Bolli went always with him.
Líða nú þau misseri.
Passes now those seasons (that year)
40. kafli - Af Ásgeiri æðikoll
Chapter 40 - Of Ásgeirr (the) duck-head (J) (feather-brain?, vein-head, suggesting hot-head, apparently)
Ásgeir hét maður og var kallaður æðikollur. Hann bjó að Ásgeirsá í Víðidal.
(There) was a man called Ásgeirr and (he) was called (a) duck-head. He lived at Ásgeirr’s-River in Víðidalr (Willow-Dale / Wide-Dale?)
Hann var son Auðunar skökuls. Hann kom fyrst sinna kynsmanna til Íslands.
He was (the) son of Auðunn wagon-shaft (like a bean-pole?). He came first of his kinsfolk to Iceland.
Hann nam Víðidal. Annar son Auðunar hét Þorgrímur hærukollur. Hann var faðir
He took (settled) Víðidalr. (The) second son of Auðunn was-called Þorgrímr grey-(silver)-top (Hoary-Head). He was (the) father
Ásmundar, föður Grettis.
of Ásmundr, father of Grettir.