Star Wars XXXI part 2 - Rob's Translation

From: rob13567
Message: 11867
Date: 2011-07-08

En es sjá hermaðr snerisk við ok vildi bera þessi tíðendi Tarkni, kastaði Hólmgǫngu-Hani øxi sinni ok felldi manninn.
And when the soldier turned himself back and wanted to take this news to Tarnkin, Dueler-Han threw his ax and killed the man.

Tveir Stormhermenn sǭ at Hólmgǫngu-Hani slær þenna mann.
Two storm troopers saw that Dueler-Han slew this man.

Tekr sína øxi hverr þeira í hǫnd sér ok fara til fulltings við hann.
They, each one takes his ax each in his hand and goes to help (noun) with him.

Lúkr versk þeim með miklum mjúkleik en sækir at þeim með miklu afli og ǫruggleik sem it óarga dýr.
Luke defends himself (against) them with much agility and attacks them with much strength and fearlessness as the uncowardly animal.

Stormhermenninir verða brátt drepnir af Lúki því at þeir hǫfðu skammskeftar øxar en Lúkr lagði spjótinu Víga-Óbívans hart ok tíðum.
The Storm troopers are obliged to quickly kill Luke because they had short-shafted axes and Luke thrust Slayer-Obiwan's spear hard and often.

Maðr á skutþilju heyrir vápnabrakit, ok kallaði hátt, "Hvat kom fyr þar í?"
A man on (the) poop-deck hears the din of arms, and called loudly, "What happened in there?"

"Etki," kallaði Hólmgǫngu-Hani, "Allt es í lagi.
"Nothing," called Dueler-Han, "All is in due place.

Þar reis at undir króki ok keyrði at skipit, ok fellu nekkver vǭpn á þiljur.
There arose that under a corner and lashed at the ship, and some weapons fell in jail.

Kenndizk ér eigi ina sterka ólgu þar uppi?"
Didn't you recognize the strong swell there up?"

"Kenndumk eigi þessa ólgu es þú nefnir, en mon ek senda menn niðr til þess at hrjóða þiljurnar," segir hermaðrinn.
"I didn't recognize this swell which you name, but I will send down men to that, to unload the prisons," says the warrior.

"Nei," segir Hólmgǫngu-Hani, "Es þat øss eigi nauðsyn."
"No," says Dueler-Han, "That is not necessary for us."

"Hverr es þar kominn?" segir hermaðrinn, ok sté niðr til þess at líta at Hólmgǫngu-Hana, "Eða hvaðan komsk þú at?"
"Who has come there?" says the warrior, and stepped down to that to look at Dueler-Han, "And what do you get?"

En Hólmgǫngu-Hani hleypr at með øxi reiða ok hjó til fótar manns ok drap hann.
And Dueler-Han attacked with an ax at the ready (?) and struck the man's foot/leg and killed him.

"Mér leiddisk þetta samtal," segir Hólmgǫngu-Hani, en þá kallaði hátt á Lúk, "Lúkr! Aðrir fylgja honum snart!"
"I am tired of this interview," says Dueler-Han, and then called loudly to Luke, "Luke! Another follows him soon!"

Lúkr rannsakaði rúm í dýflissu ok kom at því, es helt konungsdóttur Leiu.
Luke searched rooms in the prison and came to that, which held (should this be "hélt" rather than "helt"?) Princess Leia.

"Þú ert víst smár Stormhermaðr," kvað Leia sjándi Lúk.
"You are certainly a small a small Storm trooper," said Leia seeing Luke.

"Engi Stormhermaðr em ek," segir Lúkr, "Heitik Lúkr Anakinsson, ok em ek kominn til þess, at frjálsa þik."
"I am no Storm trooper," says Luke, "My name is Luke, son of Anakin, and I have come for that, to free you."

"Aldregi hefik heyrt sagt nafn þitt," segir Leia, "Eða ertu Íslendingr?"
"I have never heard said your name," says Leia, "Are you an Icelander?"

"Já víst," segir Lúkr, "Ok em ek kominn með Artú Dítússon ok Víga-Óbívan Kvæggansson."
"Yes, certainly," says Luke, "And I have come with R2, D2's son, and Slayer-Obiwan, son of Kvaeggan."

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