From: Fred & Grace Hatton Message: 11821 Date: 2011-06-10
XXIX. Kapítuli: Frá komu Þúsundárfálkans til Dauðastjǫrnu
How the Millenium Falcon came to the Death Star
Tveim dǫgum síðar sǭ þeir Víga-Óbívan svartan reyk, ok kenntu þeir
reykjarþef. Ok vas reykrinn
Two days later they, Slayer Obiwan (and company) saw black smoke and they
recognized the smell of smoke. And the smoke was
svá mikill ok myrkr, at eigi fengu þeir sétt land þat hvaðan reykrinn sté.
so much and dark that they were not able to see that land whence the smoke
“Hvar erum vér?” spyrr Lúkr. “Eða hvaðan kømr sjá reykr?”
“Where are we?” asks Luke. “Where does that smoke come from?”
“Ek veit eigi,” segir Hólmgǫngu-Hani, “En reiknak at it nærsta land sé ríki
“I don’t know,” says Duel Han, “But I reckon that the nearest land be (the)
dominion of Aldiran’s king.”
En þeir sǭ fiskibát, ok á bátinum vǭru tveir menn miklir ok sterkir. Þrípío
spurði þá tíðenda á
And they saw a fishing boat and on the boat were two men, tall and strong.
3PO asked them for news in
írsku, en menninir skynjuðu eigi hvat hann sagði. Þá spurði hann á norrœnu,
hvaðan þessir menn væri komnir.
Irish, but the men didn’t understand what he said. Then he asked in Norse,
where these men came from.
“Frá Noregi,” segja einn, ok brosti við. En þá þǫgðu þessir menn, ok
Þúsundárfálkinn sigldi fram.
“From Norway,” says one and smiled at that. But then these men were silent
and the Millenium Falcon sailed away.
“Sá vas engi meiri en lítill fiskibátr,” kvað Víga-Óbívan, “Ok þeir fengi
eigi siglt higat allt frá Noregi sjálfir.”
“That was no more than a little fishing boat,” said Slayer Obiwan, “And they
were not able to sail here all the way from Norway themselves.”
“En fyr hví væri lítill norrœnn fiskibátr svá nærri Írlandi?” spyrr
Hólmgǫngu-Hani. Hann leit á
“But why would a little Norwegian fishing boat be so near to Ireland?” asks
Duel Han. He kept an eye on
með bátinum, ok kvað, “Þeir sigla nú til eyjar þeirar litlu.”
the boat and said, “They sail now to that little island.”
“Þat es engi ey,” segir Víga-Óbívan, “Ok es þat herskip.”
“That is no island,” says Slayer Obiwan, “And that is a warship.”
“Ofmikit es þat, ef þat es herskip,” segir Hólmgǫngu-Hani.
“Too large is that if that is a warship,” says Duel Han.
“Þetta hugsýkir mik,” segir Lúkr.
“This worries me,” says Luke.
“Já, nekkvat es skakkt,” kvað Hólmgǫngu-Hani, “Tsiubakka, snúmsk við.”
“Yes something is awry,” said Duel Han, “Chewbacca, turn us around.”
En þeir Tsiubakka fengu eigi skipit snúit við, því at Veiði-Anakinn vas á
Dauðastjǫrnu, ok vas
But they, Chewbacca (and company) were not able to turn around because Vader
Anakinn was on the Death Star and was
enn maðr fjǫlkunnigr mjǫk. Hann hafði svá kveðinn galdra yfir sævi, at
bylgjurnar fœrðu til hans
still a man very skilled in magic. He had so cast a spell over the sea that
the waves carried to him
ǫllum skipum þeim es hann kenndi eigi.
all those ships which he did not know.
En þá es þeir skynjuðu, at þeir eigi fengu komit undan, fǭlusk þeir. Sekkar
miklir tíu lǭgu þar hjá
And then when they understood that they could not escape, they hid
themselves. Ten great sacks lay there near
búlkanum; þeir tóku nekkverja út en kómu þeir þar í staðinn þeira meðal
farmsins. Norrœnir
the cargo; they took some (contents) out and they went there in their stead
between the cargo.
hermenn røru út frá Dauðastjǫrnu til Fálkans ok leituðu ok fundu eigi.
Norwegian warriors rowed out from the Death Star to the Falcon and searched
and did not find (them).
Fred & Grace Hatton
Hawley, Pa.
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