Star Wars XXVII end + beginning XXVIII - - Grace's translation

From: Fred & Grace Hatton
Message: 11802
Date: 2011-05-27

“Trúirðu þá á nekkvat?” spyrr Lúkr Hana.
“Do you then believe in something?” Luke asks Han.

“Já víst,” svarar Hólmgǫngu-Hani, “Ek trúi á sjálfan mik. Ok á øxi mína.” En
svá segjandi setti
“Yes, certainly,” answers Duel Han, “I believe in myself. And in my axe.”
And so saying, he set

hann øxina í lyfstein Víga-Óbívans, ok brast steinninn í sundr. “Goð ok gæfa
eru gagnlaus,
the axe to Slayer Obiwan’s healing stone and the stone broke apart. “Gods
and good luck are useless (unnecessary)

hafirðu góða øxi á hlíð, sveinn.”
(when) you have a good axe at (your) side, boy.”

XXVIII. Kapítuli: Frá brennu Aldiranborgar

Þar es nú til máls at taka, at Veiðr sigldi til Írlands á skipi því es vas
kallat Dauðastjǫrna, ok
Now (we) take up the story, that Veid sailed to Ireland on that which which
was called Deathstar, and

stýrimaðr á skipi því vas maðr víkverskr, Tarkinn at nafni, Stórmofsjarl;
stóð honum elli. Þeir
captain on that ship was a man from Oslo, Tarkinn by name, Earl of Stormof,
he was old. They

hǫfðu betr en hundruð skipa í fylgdinni, þá es þeir sigldi hǫfnina
Aldiranborgar, ok hǫfnin ǫll vas
had better than a hundred ships in support, then when they sailed to the
Aldiran castle harbor, and the whole harbor was

full af norrœnum herskipum svá vítt sem menn mǭttu augu reka.
full of Norse warships so far that people were able to cast eyes upon. (as
far as one could see)

Síðan lét Tarkinn kalla Leiu ok birtir henni af ætlun sinni. En þá es hon
gekk nær, kvað hon,
Afterwards Tarkinn had Leia called and announced to her his intentions. And
then when she went near, she said,

“Tarkinn Stórmofsjarl. Engi efi fengi verinn á því, at þat mon væri þú, es
hefðir Veiðr í taumi.”
“Tarkinn Earl of Stormof. No doubt ??????????????, that you will be it, as
Veidr has reined in (in hand?).

“Leia konungsdóttir,” segir Tarkinn, “Þú ert kurteis, sem ávallt, en
dauðadœmd fyrir sakir svika
“Leia, daughter of (the) King,” says Tarkinn, “You are courteous as always,
but doomed to death for the sake of poison

við Falfaðinn konung Noregs ok Írlands ok allra eyja í norðrhafi. En áðr en
vér þik drepum, vilda
with King Palpatine Norway and Ireland and all islands in north sea. But
before we kill you, I wanted

ek þér sýna, hversu máttig eru Falfaðinn konungr ok þetta skip hans. Engar
eyjar vilja lengr þora
to show you, how powerful King Palpatine and these, his ships, are. No
island will longer dare

standa mót Noregskonungi.”
to stand against Norway’s king.”

“Því þéttara ér herðið hǫndina,” segir Leia konungsdóttir, “Því fleiri eyjar
monu ganga frá greipum yðr.”
“The more tightly ye clench (your) fists,” says Leia, daughter of (the)
king, "The more islands slip through your fingers.”

“Vér sjám til með þat,” segir Tarkinn, “Eptir allr kraptr skips þessa ok
hersins es fulllýstr. Hefir
“We’ll see about that,” says Tarkinn, “After all (the) power of these ships
and army is fully disclosed.

Falfaðinn konungr látit herǫr farit víða umb ríkit sitt, ok es sǫmnuðum
miklum heri á mǫrgum
King Palpatine has had (the) war-arrow gone widely about his kingdom, and a
great army is assembled on

skipum órum. Heldr þetta skip eitt œrnum fjǫlda til þess at eyða heilli
borg… Aldiranborg, at draga til dœmis.”
many of our ships. Rather this ship has enough multitude for this to clear
(the) whole town - - Aldirantown to bring (it) to doom.”

“Nei!” kvað Leia, “Aldiranborg es friðsǫm ok óvǭpnuð borg, hvé fengið ér
væntum heiðri yðr, ef ér eyðið borg þeiri es hefir engi vǭpn?”
“No!” said Leia, “Aldirantown is peaceful and a town without weapons, why
seize ye (it) ? hopeful ?of honour for you, if ye emptied their town when
(they) have no weapons.”

Fred & Grace Hatton
Hawley, Pa.

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