Star Wars XXVI end and XXVII beginning - Rob's Translation

From: rob13567
Message: 11773
Date: 2011-05-05

For the verses below, if I had simply used the words from "The Night Before Christmas," it would have likely been more accurate than what I came up with.

En Hólmgǫngu-Hani skaut fyrst, ok kom øxin allt í heilann Gríðó, es fell þegar dauðr niðr.
But Dueler-Han shot first, and the ax came all the way in the brain of Grido, who fell down dead at once.

Ok Hólmgǫngu-Hani orti vísu þessa:
And Dueler-Han composed this verse:

Ǫllungis biðk allar
All ask of hardship

atgeirs eða goð fleiri,
halberd or god more,

rétt skilk, rammar vættir
you will exactly, powerful beings

randóps, þærs hlýrn skópu,
(randóps?), they cover a missile,

at, styrbendir, standi,
that, ???, ???,

stálgaldrs, en ek valda,
spike, but I wield

bloðugr ǫrn of Gríðós
bloody horn of Grido

barðrauðr hǫfuðsvǫrðum.
---dead headsword.

Þá gekk Hólmgǫngu-Hani Sólósson jarls innan, ok með hann vas Tsiubakka inn fríski.
Then Dueler-Han, son of Solo the Earl went from within, and with him was Chewbacca the Frisian.

XXVII. Kapítuli: Frá goðleysi Hólmgǫngu-Hana
About Dueler Han’s godlessness (goðleysi = guðleysi)

Á næsta degi sá Lúkr skipit þat es hét Þúsundár-fálkann, ok þat kom honum illa fyr sjónir.
The next day Luke saw the ship that is named thousand year falcon, and that came ill before (his) eyes.

“Eigi sér þetta út sem gott skip,” segir hann.
“This does not look on the outside as a good ship,” he says.

“Hvat hirði ek þat, hversu þat sjái út?” spyrr Hólmgǫngu-Hani.
“What do I care about that, how that would look on the outside?” asks Dueler-Han.

“Þat es skjótt skip, ok hefik lengi orkazk at því, at auka skjótfÅ"ri þess.
That is a speedy ship, and I have long set about doing thus, to add that swifteness.

Hastarliga nú; vér þurfum at fara sem snarast.”
Suddenly (i.e., quickly) now; we need to go as quickly as possible.”

En meðan Hólmgǫngu-Hani svá sagði, ok Tsiubakka heimti upp akkeri, kómu menn Falfaðins konungs, ok þeir skutu ǫrum til þeira.
And while Dueler-Han said so, Chewbacca also weighed anchor, King Palpatine’s men came, and they shot arrows at them.

Hólmgǫngu-Hani gekk á borði skipsins ok skaut ǫrum aptr, ok drap margan mann.
Dueler-Han went on board the ship and shot arrows back, and slew many men.

En Tsiubakka stýrði skipi því ýr Tattúínárhǫfn, ok allir menn undruðusk hversu skjótt þetta skip ferr.
And Chewbacca piloted (the) ship thus out of Tattuin’s harbor, and all men wondered at how this ship went fast.

Snart kómu þeir undan hermÇ«nnunum, en þá sÇ­ þeir, at skip norrÅ"nu vÇ­ru í hÇ«fn þeiri, ok kómu nær, skjótandi Ç«rum.
They soon escaped the warriors, and then they saw, that a Norwegian ship was in their harbor, and came near, shooting arrows.

“Fyr hví komum vér eigi undan þeim?” spyrr Lúkr, “Þú sagðir, at þetta skip væri skjótt!”
“Why can’t we escape them?” asks Luke, “You said, that this ship would be fast!”

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