Laxdaela Saga 33 beginning / Alan's Translation

From: AThompson
Message: 11743
Date: 2011-04-19

Here´s my translation. Suggestions and alternate readings highlighted. Queries underligned.





33. kafli - Af draumum Guðrúnar
Chapter 33 – Of Guðrún‘s dreams.

Gestur Oddleifsson bjó vestur á Barðaströnd í Haga. Hann var höfðingi mikill
Gestr Oddleifr’s-son lived west at Barðaströnd (Shore-of-Ships´- prows, perhaps?) in Hagi. He was a great chieftain

og spekingur viti, framsýnn um marga hluti, vel vingaður við alla hina
and a sage by-reason-of (at, Z.iv.5)(his) intelligence (dat sg of vit), forward-seeing (prophetic) concerning many things (in many respects), fully standing-in-friendly-relations with all the

stærri menn og margir sóttu ráð að honum. Hann reið hvert sumar til þings og
more-important persons (men) and many (people) sought counsel of him. He rode each summer to (the) Thing and

hafði jafnan gistingarstað á Hóli.
had always night-quarters at Hóll (Knoll).

Einhverju sinni bar enn svo til að Gestur reið til þings og gisti á Hóli.
One time (sinn, Z1) (it) happened (bera til, Z11) (yet so) that Gestur rode to (the) Thing and passed-the-night at Hóll.

Hann býst um morguninn snemma því að leið var löng. Hann ætlaði um kveldið í
He made himself ready next morning early because the road was long. He intended that evening (to get) to

Þykkvaskóg til Ármóðs mágs síns. Hann átti Þórunni systur Gests. Þeirra
Þykkvaskógr (Thick Forest) to Ármóðr, his brother-in-law. He had (in marriage) Þórunn, Gestr’s sister. Their

synir voru þeir Örnólfur og Halldór.
sons were they, Örnóldr and Halldór.

Gestur ríður nú um daginn vestan úr Saurbæ og kemur til Sælingsdalslaugar og
Gestr rides now during the day from-the-west out-from Saurbær and comes to Sælingsdalslaug (Wealthy-man’s-Dale-Hot-Spring, note: gen sg) and

dvelst þar um hríð. Guðrún kom til laugar og fagnar vel Gesti frænda sínum.
stays there for a short-while. Guðrún came to (the) Hot-Spring (note: fem gen sg noun, nothing to suggest that she came specifically to wash or bathe or that it was a Saturday J )and welcomes Gestr, her kinsman.

Gestur tók henni vel og taka þau tal saman og voru þau bæði vitur og orðig.
Gestr received her well and they take conversation together and they were both intelligent and wordy (talkative according to Z, but could one say articulate? ).

En er á líður daginn mælti Guðrún: "Það vildi eg frændi að þú riðir til vor
But when (it) is-concluding the day (ie when the day was far spent, see líða, Z6) Guðrún spoke: “I would-want, kinsman, that you should-ride to us

í kveld með allan flokk þinn. Er það og vilji föður míns þótt hann unni mér
this evening with all your company-of-men. That is also my father’s wish even-though he bestowed (unna, Z1) on me

virðingar að bera þetta erindi og það með að þú gistir þar hvert sinn er þú
(the) honour to bear this message (invitation) and that with (it, ie in addition), that you should-stay-overnight there every time when (ie whenever) you

ríður vestur eða vestan."
ride west or from-(the)-west.”

Gestur tók þessu vel og kvað þetta skörulegt erindi en kvaðst þó mundu ríða
Gestr took this (offer) well and declared this a fine (magnificent; Z2) message (invitation) but declared-of-himself (that he) nevertheless would ride

svo sem hann hafði ætlað.
just as he had intended  (ætla, Z2, fits better here I think).

Guðrún mælti: "Dreymt hefir mig margt í vetur en fjórir eru þeir draumar er
Guðrún spoke: “(It) has dreamt me (ie I have dreamt) many (a dream) in (the) winter (ie this winter) but four are those dreams which

mér afla mikillar áhyggju en engi maður hefir þá svo ráðið að mér líki og
produce in me great anxiety but no person (man) has interpreted (see ráða, Z11) them such that (their interpretation) should-please (as in make sense to, líka, verb) me and (but)

bið eg þó eigi þess að þeir séu í vil ráðnir."
nevertheless I am-asking not that, that they should-be interpreted to (one´s) ‘liking’.”

Gestur mælti þá: "Seg þú drauma þína. Vera má að vér gerum af nokkuð."
Gestr spoke then: “Say you your dreams. (It) may be that we (can) make something of (them).”

Guðrún segir: "Úti þóttist eg vera stödd við læk nokkurn og hafði eg
Guðrún says: “I bethought-myself to be standing outside by a certain brook (lækr = brook, rivulet) and I had

krókfald á höfði og þótti mér illa sama og var eg fúsari að breyta faldinum
a head-dress-with-projecting-bow (hook, loop) on (my) head and (it) seemed to ill suit me and I was more-willing (that is, I rather wanted) to adjust the head-dress (faldr, Z3)

en margir töldu um að eg skyldi það eigi gera. En eg hlýddi ekki á það og
but many (people) reckoned about (it) that I should not do that. But I listened not to that and

greip eg af höfði mér faldinn og kastaði eg út á lækinn og var þessi draumur eigi lengri."
I seized the head-dress (faldr, Z3) from my head and I cast (it) out into the-brook and was this dream not longer. (ie it stopped there).”

Og enn mælti Guðrún: "Það var upphaf að öðrum draum að eg þóttist vera stödd
And still Guðrún spoke: “That is (the) beginning of the other dream that I bethought-myself to be standing

hjá vatni einu. Svo þótti mér sem kominn væri silfurhringur á hönd mér og
by a certain lake.  So (it) seemed to me like a silver-ring were (had) come on-to my hand (arm) and

þóttist eg eiga og einkar vel sama. Þótti mér það vera allmikil gersemi og
I bethought-myself to own (it) and exceedingly well to suit (it). (does she suit it, or does it suit her?) That seemed to me a very-great treasure and

ætlaði eg lengi að eiga. Og er mér voru minnstar vonir (ván) þá renndi hringurinn
I intended for-a-long-time to have (keep, hafa, Z3) (it). And (but) when to me were (the) least expectations (ie when I least expected it), then the-ring ran (slipped)

af hendi mér og á vatnið og sá eg hann aldrei síðan. Þótti mér sjá skaði
from my hand into the-lake and I saw it never after-that. This loss (skjaði is a noun) seemed to me

miklu meiri en eg mætti að líkindum ráða þótt eg hefði einum (dative) grip (dative) týnt.
much greater than I might in (all) likelihood expect (interpret, ráða e-t at líkindum, Z11, to judge from probabilities) even-if I should-have lost only (merely) a valuable-treasure.

Síðan vaknaði eg."
After-that I awoke.”


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