Since Gudrun mentions her dreams below, I am inspired to say that it has been a dream for me to have had your assistance, Grace, Alan, and Brian, in advancing my Old Icelandic skills.
33. kafli
Af draumum Guðrúnar
Concerning Gudrun's Dreams
Gestur Oddleifsson bjó vestur á Barðaströnd í Haga.
Gest Oddleifson lived west at Barda-beach in Haga.
Hann var höfðingi mikill og spekingur að viti, framsýnn um marga hluti, vel vingaður við alla hina stærri menn og margir sóttu ráð að honum.
He was a great chief and a wise man at leading, prophetic concerning many things, standing well in friendly relations with all the great men and many sought advice from him.
Hann reið hvert sumar til þings og hafði jafnan gistingarstað á Hóli.
He rode every summer to the Thing and always had night-quarters at Hol.
Einhverju sinni bar enn svo til að Gestur reið til þings og gisti á Hóli.
Once conveyed still so to that Gest rode to the Thing and stayed the night at Hol.
Hann býst um morguninn snemma því að leið var löng.
He got ready early during the morning because the way was long (i.e., he had a long trip ahead of him).
Hann ætlaði um kveldið í Þykkvaskóg til Ármóðs mágs síns.
He intended (to arrive) during the evening in Thykkva-forest to Armod, his brother-in-inlaw.
Hann átti Þórunni systur Gests.
He married Gest's sister Thorun.
Þeirra synir voru þeir Örnólfur og Halldór.
Their sons were they: Onrolf and Halldor. (Remove the "they:" for a more idiomatic reading)
Gestur ríður nú um daginn vestan úr Saurbæ og kemur til Sælingsdalslaugar og dvelst þar um hríð.
Gest rides now during the day from the west from Saur-farm and comes to Saelings-valley's-baths and stays there a while.
Guðrún kom til laugar og fagnar vel Gesti frænda sínum.
Gudrun came to (the) baths and welcomes Gest her relative.
Gestur tók henni vel og taka þau tal saman og voru þau bæði vitur og orðig.
Gest received her well and they begin to talk together and they were both wise and wordy.
En er á líður daginn mælti Guðrún: "Það vildi eg frændi að þú riðir til vor í kveld með allan flokk þinn.
When the day passed, Gudrun spoke: "I wanted that, kinsman, that you ride to us this evening with all your men.
Er það og vilji föður míns þótt hann unni mér virðingar að bera þetta erindi og það með að þú gistir þar hvert sinn er þú ríður vestur eða vestan."
My father also wanted that though he did me (the) honor to carry this message and that with that you stay the night each time that you ride west or from the west.
Gestur tók þessu vel og kvað þetta skörulegt erindi en kvaðst þó mundu ríða svo sem hann hafði ætlað.
Gest received this well and said this manly message but said for himself although (he) would ride thus as he had intended.
Guðrún mælti: "Dreymt hefir mig margt í vetur en fjórir eru þeir draumar er mér afla mikillar áhyggju en engi maður hefir þá svo ráðið að mér líki og bið eg þó eigi þess að þeir séu í vil ráðnir."
Gudrun spoke: "I have dreamt much this winter, and they are four dreams which bring me much anxiety, but no person has so explained to me a form and although I asked that they were not interpreted to my liking (Z. vil 2 - to one's liking (ráða drauma í v. e-m))
Gestur mælti þá: "Seg þú drauma þína.
Gest then spoke: "Tell your dreams.
Vera má að vér gerum af nokkuð."
(It) may be that we can make something of (them)"
Guðrún segir: "Úti þóttist eg vera stödd við læk nokkurn og hafði eg krókfald á höfði og þótti mér illa sama og var eg fúsari að breyta faldinum en margir töldu um að eg skyldi það eigi gera.
Gudrun says: "I thought I was standing (more literally, had stood) by some stream and I had a head-dress on (my) head, it seemed to become me poorly and I was eager to change the headgear but many considered in regard to that (that) I should not do that.
En eg hlýddi ekki á það og greip eg af höfði mér faldinn og kastaði eg út á lækinn og var þessi draumur eigi lengri."
But I didn't listen to that and I grabbed the headgear off my head and I threw (it) out in the stream and this dream was no longer (than what I have related)"
Og enn mælti Guðrún: "Það var upphaf að öðrum draum að eg þóttist vera stödd hjá vatni einu.
And Gudrun still spoke: "That was (the) beginning of another dream that it seemed to me (that I) had stood by some (body of) water.
Svo þótti mér sem kominn væri silfurhringur á hönd mér og þóttist eg eiga og einkar vel sama.
It seemed to me as a silver ring had come (i.e., appeared) on my hand and it seemed to me I owned (it) and (it) became me extremely well (Z. einkar - e. vel, extremely well)
Þótti mér það vera allmikil gersemi og ætlaði eg lengi að eiga.
It seemed to me that was very great treasure and I intended for a long time to own (it). (Or would it be better to translate this as " I intended to own (it) for a long time"?)
Og er mér voru minnstar vonir þá renndi hringurinn af hendi mér og á vatnið og sá eg hann aldrei síðan.
And when fewer hopes were to me then the ring slipped from my hand and into the water and I never saw it after-that.
Þótti mér sjá skaði miklu meiri en eg mætti að líkindum ráða þótt eg hefði einum grip týnt.
It seemed to me that greatly harmed me, and I could guess at it although I had lost the same treasure. (Z. líkindi 1 - ráða (sjá) e-t at líkindum, to guess at a thing)
Síðan vaknaði eg."
Then I woke up."
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