En annarr maðr hristi hann, sagði á norrœnu, “Honum líkaði eigi vel við
But a second man pushed him, said to (the) northman, “He didn’t like you
very much.”
“Óathyglisvert es þat, at manni líkaði eigi vel við ǫðrum,” segir Lúkr, “Ok
fyr hví vilið it svá segja mér þat?”
“It is uninteresting? that a man didn’t like others very much,” says Luke,
“And so why do you want to tell me it?”
“Sjálfr líkaði mér eigi vel við þik,” segir annarr maðr, “Ok em ek útlagi,
hálshǫggvinn ef ek stíg fótum á land í tólf ríkum.”
“I, myself, didn’t like you very much,” says the second man, “ and I am an
outlaw, the beheaded-one if I set foot on land in twelve kingdoms.”
“Þá skal ek varask,” segir Lúkr.
“Then I shall defend myself,” says Luke
“Þá skalt þú deyja,” segir sjá maðr.
“Then you shall die,” says that man.
“Þér stendr á sama,” segir Víga-Óbívan komandi nærri, “Þótt þú drepir svein
þenna; vér vitum
“The same (fate) hangs over you,” says Slayer Obiwan coming nearer,
“Although you (may) kill this boy, we all know
allir at þú góðr víkingr ert, Efazan, ok sveinninn es óvígr. Eigi eyddu exi
þínum við svá lítit tré;
that you are a good Viking, Efazan, and the boy is unable to fight. Do not
squander your ax in this little tree;
drekktú mjǫð, ok ek mun fylla þér annat mjaðarhorn.”
drink mead and I will fill another mead-horn for you.”
En Efazan reiddisk mjǫk við orð þessi; þreif hann upp ǫx eina es vas hjá
honum ok leggr til
But Efazan became very angry at these words, seized up an axe which was near
him and attacks (leggja át?)
Víga-Óbívans. Víga-Óbívan hafði sverðit á ǫxl sér ok laust á mót ok kom á
hǫnd fyrsta manni og
Slayer Obiwan. Slayer Obiwan had the sword on his shoulder and struck in
return and (the blow) came on the hand of the first man and
brotnaði handleggrinn. Síðan fœrði Víga-Óbívan upp sverðit í annat sinn ok
hjó í hǫfuð Efazani
broke the arm. Afterwards Slayer Obiwan brought the sword up another time
and hewed Efazani in the head
ok hafði hann þegar bana.
and he had his death immediately.
“Kom nú Lúkr, ok hafða ek fundinn mann þann es á skip þat es sœmði okkr
vel,” kvað Víga-Óbívan.
“Come now Luke, and I have found that man who has a ship which seemed good
for us,” said Slayer Obiwan.
XXV. Kapítuli: Lúkr mœtir Hólmgǫngu-Hana
Lúkr hitti mann þann, ok vas maðrinn fríðastr sýnum, hár vexti ok nekkvat
skolbrúnn, jarpr á hár.
Luke meets that man and the man was most handsome in appearance, grown tall
and somewhat swarthy, with chestnut hair.
“Hani Sólósson jarls heitik,” kvað maðr, “En sumir menn kalla mik
“Hólmgǫngu-Hana. Skip
“I am called Han, Earl Solo’s son, “ said (the) man, “but some people call
me Duel Han. My ship
mitt es Þusundár-Fálkinn. Tsiubakka kumpánn minn segir mér, að it vilið
sigla til Aldiransveita,
is the Millenium Falcon. Chewbaca, my companion, tells me that you want to
sail to Aldiran districts,
ok fæ ek ykkr fœrða þagat, ef it leggið marga penninga á.”
and I am able to convey you thither if you put many pence on (it).”
“Já víst,” segir Víga-Óbívan, “Ef skipit sé skjótt.”
“Yes, certainly,” says Slayer Obiwan, “If the ship be speedy.”
“Ef skipit sé skjótt?” spyrr Hólmgǫngu-Hani, “Hefirðu aldregi getit
Þúsundár-Fálkann freginn?”
“If the ship be speedy!?” asks Duel Han, “Have you never heard mention of
the Millenium Falcon?”
“Víst aldregi,” segir Víga-Óbívan, “En es þat undrligt?”
“Certainly never,” says Slayer Obiwan, “And is it strange?”
“Þat es skip þat, es vann sigr í kappróðri á Kesseley, ok rørum vit
Tsiubakka hann á tólf tímum,”
“It is that ship which won a victory in a rowing match at Kettle Island, and
we (two) Chewbaca (and I) rowed it twelve times.”
svarar Hólmgǫngu-Hani, “Ferr þetta skip miklu skjótara enn nekkver skip
Falfaðins, jafnvel in
answers Duel Han, “this ship goes much faster than any ship of Palpatine’s,
even the
víðfrægu korelsku skip. Þat es œrit skjótt til ætlanar þinnar, gamli. En
hvat es farmrinn?”
infamous ?? ship. It is speedy enough for your intentions, old one. But
what is the cargo?
“Menn einir,” segir Víga-Óbívan, “Ok erum vér fjórir: Ek, sveinninn, tveir
írar, ok engar spurningar spurðar.”
“Some people,” says Slayer Obiwan, “And we are four, I, the boy, two Irish
and no (more)
questionable? questions.”
“Hvat es þetta? Nekkvers konar sveitarvandræði?” spurði Hólmgǫngu-Hani.
“What is this? Some kind of childish? difficulties?” asked Duel Han.
“Ek vilda heldr eigi hitta menn Falfaðins, ef þat es nauðsynlegt at segja
þannig,” svarar Víga-Óbívan.
“I would rather not meet Palpatine’s men, if that is necessary to say thus,”
answers Slayer Obiwan.