From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 11565
Date: 2011-02-05
> Þrípíó segir, “Vit vǭrum á skipi, er bardagi tóksk.The last clause could be either 'where a battle took place'
> 3PO says, “We were on a ship, where a battle took place.
> 3PO says, “We (two) were on a ship, which took part in
> fighting.
> En Lúkr tók ina blóðga kǭpu Artús, ok þar fann boðitRob's right with 'the message': <boðit> has the postposed
> skrifat af Leiu konungsdóttur.
> And Luke took the bloody cloak of R2, and there found the
> the message written by Princess Leia.
> And Luke took the bloody cape of R2, and found there a
> message written by Lea, daughter of the king.
> Hann tók til at lesa þat.I agree with Grace: here <tók til> is 'began'.
> He did read that.
> He began to read it.
> “Eigi em ek rúnmeistari,” segir Lúkr, “En segja þessi orð,Note that <þørðir> has i-umlaut (front mutation) of <o> to
> ‘Hjálpa mér, Víga-Óbívan Kvægganson; þú einn þørðir at
> hefna mín.’
> “I am not an expert in runes,” says Luke, “But these
> wordes say, 'Help me, Slayer-Obiwan, son of Kvaegan; you
> alone have-the-courage to avenge me.'
> “I am no rune master,” says Luke, “But these words say:
> ‘Help me, Slayer Obiwan Kvaeggan’s son; you alone dare to
> avenge me.’
> Ek kann eigi at lesa fleiri orð, því at þau eru skrifuð<Fleiri> is indeed 'more'.
> vándslega ok hraðlega.
> I can not read several words, because they are badly and
> swiftly written.
> I am not able to read more words, because they are written
> badly and hastily.
> Mér sýnisk, at Leia konungsdóttir sé lengi dáin.”Old Norse expects the subjunctive <sé> here because <sýnisk>
> It seems to me that Princess Leia is long dead.”
> Seems to me that Lea, daughter of the king, be long dead.”
> “Hverr es Leia konungsdóttir?” segir Lúkr, “Eða hvat mannaNote that <manna> is genitive plural: <hvat manna es hon?>
> es hon?”
> “Who is Princess Leia?” says Luke, “What person is she?”
> “Who is Lea, daughter of the king?” says Luke, “What
> person is she?”
> Þrípíó tók til at svara, en Artú bað hann þegja, segir,'[It] is not to be concealed from you'; see Zoëga s.v.
> “Eigi es at dylja frá þér.
> 3PO began to answer, but R2 bade him be silent, says,
> “(It) is not to conceal from you.
> 3PO started to answer, but R2 bade him be silent, says,
> “(It) is not to conceal from you.
> Þetta boð es ætlat honum, en engum ǫðrum.You're both right: <engum öðrum> is ambiguous between 'no
> This message is intended for him, and no others.
> This message is intended for him and no other.
> Villtú sýna mér þá leið, es kømr til hússins þessa manns?”Here <þá> is the demonstrative: 'Will you show me the/that
> ...
> Will you show me (the) way then, which goes to this man’s
> house?”
> “Vissulega,” segir Lúkr, “Ef þú segir frá ǫllum, esThere's no 'me' in the ON; it's more or less 'if you relate
> skrifuð eru á þessu boði.”
> “Certainly,” says Luke, “If you say from all, which are
> written on this message.”
> “Certainly,” says Luke, “If you tell me all which is
> written in this message.”