Another example is <hlífðit Kristr>, with the negative suffix -t attached to <hlífði> "protected, shielded" (past indicative singular), thus "Christ did not protect/shield".

--- In, 600cell@... wrote:
> Apart from all the kennings and feer word order than is usual in prose, there are a couple of archaic suffixes used here:
> <lítt hykk, at> = <lítt hygg ek, at> "I little think that...", understatement for "I do not think that..."
> <muna ... sundfoert> "won't be seaworthy", "will not be capable of floating" = <mun> (auxiliary verb expressing future tense, 3rd person singular present indicative) + <a> (old-fahsioned negative suffix, mostly found in poetry) + <sundfoert> "able to float".