From: bmscotttg
Message: 11329
Date: 2010-10-03
> Nú fóru Jóði ok Víga-Óbívan í skip Jóða;I think that <í> implies that they actually went aboard, not just to.
> Now Yoda and Slayer Obiwan went to Yoda's ship.
> "En vér megum lenda skipi, sem ek áðr ætlaða, á Dagóbu í Færeyjum,"Although there's no article in the Old Norse, <skipi> must refer to
> "And we can land a ship as I previously intended in Dagoba in (the)
> Faroes,
> ok sjá gamli maðr vildi eigi sjá sonarbanann aptr."Here <bani> is 'killer, slayer', not 'death', and the definite
> and this old man does not wish to see a son's death again."
> at þú þjónir Falfaðni konungi, er herr land mitt,It's the 3rd person singular present indicative of <herja> 'to
> that you serve King Palpatine, who rules?? (couldn't find the
> infinitive) my land
> ok hann vill hjálpa okkr."Here I think that <vill> is probably 'wants to', and <okkr> it the
> and he will help us."