From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 11312
Date: 2010-09-22
> Ólafur bað móður sína eina ráða.Rob: If <ráða> were from the neuter noun <ráð>, it could
> Olaf asked his mother (for) an agreement.
> Olaf bade his mother decide alone (on her own).
> Ólafr bade his mother alone decide.
> Síðan ræddi Ólafur við Þorbjörn að hann vildi taka vöru afThe meaning of <gera mikit at> in this particular instance
> honum að láni og gera mikið að.
> Then Olaf spoke with Thorbjorn, that he would take wares
> from him as a loan and grant much of.
> Afterwards Olaf speaks with Thorbjorn that he wished to
> take his wares on credit (or as a loan) and to make (it)
> large.
> After-that Ólafr spoke with Þjorbjörn that he wanted to
> take goods from him on loan and (for him) to send
> (despatch, göra, Z4?, Z8?) much towards (it) (don´t be
> sparing with it)
> Höskuldi líkar þetta vel er hann vill um búið annast.Rob's reading is correct: Höskuld is pleased that Ólaf is
> This pleases Hoskuld well that he (i.e., Olaf) will
> be-busy-about the farm.
> Hoskuld is well pleased with this since he wants to
> provide for the farm.
> This well pleases Höskuldr that (er) he wants to
> occupy-himself with (see annast um e-t, Z3) the-farm.
> Síðan reið Höskuldur til þings en snúið var að brullaupi á'Devised, decided': <réð> is past tense. The agreement is
> Lambastöðum og réð Ólafur einn máldaga.
> Then Hoskuld road to (the) Thing but was turned to (the)
> wedding (or wedding feast) at Lamb-towns and Olaf resolved
> an agreement.
> Afterwards Hoskuld rode to (the) Thing and a wedding was
> prepared for at Lambi's Steads and Olaf alone decided on
> (the) document.
> After-that Höskuldr rode to (the) Thing but (and) (it,
> everything) was prepared for (see snúa, Z7) wedding at
> Lambastaðir (Lambs’-Steads) and Ólafr alone devises the
> agreement.
> Ólafur tók þrjá tigu hundraða vöru af óskiptu og skyldiRob & Grace: The participial adjective <óskiptr> 'undivided'
> þar ekki fé fyrir koma.
> Olaf took 3,000 wares reserved-for-him and there should
> wealth come to naught. (Z. koma 4 - k. fyrir ekki, to come
> to naught, be of no avail)
> Olaf took three thousand wares indivisible? and there
> should no money come for (it).
> Ólafr took thirty hundreds of goods from (the) undivided
> (?) and no money should come for (it) there (I suspect
> that this means that he doesn´t have to pay anything in
> return, either principal or interest?).
> Enn fékk hún honum í hönd hníf og belti og bað hann seljaZoëga gives only 'foster-mother' and 'foster-daughter' for
> fóstru sinni: "Get eg að hún dyljist eigi við þessar
> jartegnir."
> Yet she put in his hands a knife and belt and asked (that)
> he hand-over (them) to her foster-(somebody): "I guess
> that she doesn't refuse-to-acknowledge these tokens."
> And she gave him in (his) hand a knife and belt and bade
> him deliver (them?) to her foster (nurse), "I guess that
> she would not ignore these tokens."
> Moreover, she got for him into (his) hand (possession) a
> knife and a belt and asked him to give (them) to her
> foster-mother. ”I guess that she does not refuse to
> acknowledge these tokens.’
> Honum líkar heldur þunglega.'Heavily' is literally correct, but the sense here (as is
> It pleases him rather heavily.
> He finds (this) rather difficult.
> (It) pleases him rather heavily.