Yes, my spelling mistake. It should be "rode to...."

--- In, "Patti (Wilson)" <originalpatricia@...> wrote:
> ,<<Then Hoskuld road to (the) Thing>>
> I believe this may be expressed more correctly as " rode to the THING"
> perhaps this is just a "Typo"
> Patricia
> -------Original Message-------
> From: rob13567
> Date: 20/09/2010 23:12:08
> To:
> Subject: [norse_course] Laxdaela Saga end 20 + beginning 21 -- Rob's
> Translation
> Translation follows. Feedback is always appreciated, and even more so for
> this week's text.
> Ólafur bað móður sína eina ráða.
> Olaf asked his mother (for) an agreement.
> Síðan ræddi Ólafur við Þorbjörn að hann vildi taka vöru af honum að láni og
> gera mikið að.
> Then Olaf spoke with Thorbjorn, that he would take wares from him as a loan
> and grant much of.
> Þorbjörn svarar: "Það mun því aðeins nema eg nái ráðahag við Melkorku.
> Thorbjorn answers: "That will (happen) only in the case (that) I get married
> (lit. "marriage") with Melkorka. (Z. nema 5 - því at eins, nema., only in
> the case)
> Þá væntir mig að þér sé jafnheimilt mitt fé sem það er þú hefir að varðveita
> "
> Then I expect that you be equal-rights middle wealth as that you have to
> keep. (Z. vænta 3 væntir mik, at, I expect (hope) that)
> Ólafur kvað það þá mundu að ráði gert, töluðu þá með sér þá hluti er þeir
> vildu og skyldi þetta fara allt af hljóði.
> Olaf stated then (he) would resolve that, (they) spoke then between
> themselves then things that they would and should keep these matters secret
> (Z. fara 18 - f. af hljóði með e-t, to keep matters secret)
> Höskuldur ræddi við Ólaf að hann mundi ríða til þings með honum.
> Hoskuld talked with Olaf that he would ride to (the) Thing with him.
> Ólafur kvaðst það eigi mega fyrir búsýslu, kvaðst vilja láta gera lambhaga
> við Laxá.
> Olaf stated-for-himself that could not before household-business,
> stated-for-himself would cause (to be) built a lamb-pasture by Salmon-river.
> Höskuldi líkar þetta vel er hann vill um búið annast.
> This pleases Hoskuld well that he (i.e., Olaf) will be-busy-about the farm.
> Síðan reið Höskuldur til þings en snúið var að brullaupi á Lambastöðum og
> réð Ólafur einn máldaga.
> Then Hoskuld road to (the) Thing but was turned to (the) wedding (or wedding
> feast) at Lamb-towns and Olaf resolved an agreement.
> Ólafur tók þrjá tigu hundraða vöru af óskiptu og skyldi þar ekki fé fyrir
> koma.
> Olaf took 3,000 wares reserved-for-him and there should wealth come to
> naught. (Z. koma 4 - k. fyrir ekki, to come to naught, be of no avail)
> Bárður Höskuldsson var að brullaupi og vissi þessa ráðagerð með þeim.
> Hoskuld's son Bard was at (the) wedding-feast and knew this plan with them
> (i.e., he was in on the plan).
> En er boði var lokið þá reið Ólafur til skips og hitti Örn stýrimann og tók
> sér þar fari.
> And when (the) banquet was concluded then Olaf rode to (the) ship and met
> captain Orn and took passage there (on the ship).
> En áður en þau Melkorka skildust selur hún í hendur Ólafi fingurgull mikið
> og mælti: "Þenna grip gaf faðir minn mér að tannfé og vænti eg að hann kenni
> ef hann sér."
> But before they, Melkorka (and Olaf), parted she hands-over in Olaf's hands
> a great gold-finger-ring and said: "My father gave me this valuable-treasure
> for a tooth-fee and I wanted that he recognize if he for-himself.
> Enn fékk hún honum í hönd hníf og belti og bað hann selja fóstru sinni: "Get
> eg að hún dyljist eigi við þessar jartegnir."
> Yet she put in his hands a knife and belt and asked (that) he hand-over
> (them) to her foster-(somebody): "I guess that she doesn't
> refuse-to-acknowledge these tokens."
> Og enn mælti Melkorka: "Heiman hefi eg þig búið svo sem eg kann best og
> kennt þér írsku að mæla svo að þig mun það eigi skipta hvar þig ber að
> Írlandi."
> And Melkorka still spoke: "From-home I have prepared you so as I best could
> and have taught you to speak Irish so that you would make no difference
> where you are-carried to Ireland. (Z. skipta 4 - þat skiptir engu, it
> makes no difference)
> Nú skilja þau eftir þetta.
> Now they part after this.
> Þegar kom byr á er Ólafur kom til skips og sigla þeir þegar í haf.
> At-once came preparations to which Olaf cam to (the) ship and they sailed
> at-once to sea.
> 21. kafli
> Nú kemur Höskuldur heim af þingi og spyr þessi tíðindi.
> Hoskuld now comes home from (the) Thing and learns of this news.
> Honum líkar heldur þunglega.
> It pleases him rather heavily.
> En með því að vandamenn hans áttu hlut í þá sefaðist hann og lét vera kyrrt.
> But because his relations had a part in (it) then he was-appeased and left
> be quiet.