From: rob13567
Message: 11258
Date: 2010-08-23
Hrútur bjó þrjá vetur á Kambsnesi og heimtir jafnan fé að Höskuldi á þingum eða öðrum lögfundum og var vel talaður.
Hrut lived three years at Kambsness (Comb's-ness) and finds equal wealth to Hoskuld at the Things or other law-findings and was a good speaker. (Could this also be correctly translated as " and was well spoken of."
Kölluðu það flestir að Hrútur hefði rétt að mæla.
Many said that Hrut would have correctly spoken. (or " would have acted correctly to speak?")
En Höskuldur flutti það að Þorgerður var eigi að hans ráði gift Herjólfi en lést vera lögráðandi móður sinnar og skilja við það.
But Hoskuld recited that, that Thorgard was not to his consent married Herjolf but (lést?) his mother was legal guardian and parted with it.
Það sama haust eftir fór Höskuldur að heimboði til Þórðar godda.
That same next autumn Hoskuld went to a feast to Thord Good.
Þetta spyr Hrútur og reið hann á Höskuldsstaði við tólfta mann.
Hrut finds this out and he rode to Hoskulds-town as (the) twelfth man (i.e., one of a party of 12).
Hann rak á brott naut tuttugu.
He drove away 20 cattle.
Jafnmörg lét hann eftir.
(The) same morning after he left.
Síðan sendi hann mann til Höskulds og bað segja hvert eftir fé var að leita.
Then he sent a man to Hoskuld and asked to say where (the) money was to be seeking for.
Húskarlar Höskulds hlupu þegar til vopna og voru ger orð þeim er næstir voru og urðu þeir fimmtán saman.
Hoskuld's man-servants jumped at-once to (their) weapons and were given them word that next were also would happen (to) the fifteen together.
Reið hver þeirra svo sem mátti hvatast.
They rode each so as able most-quickly.
Þeir Hrútur sáu eigi fyrr eftirreiðina en þeir áttu skammt til garðs á Kambsnesi.
Hrut (and) they saw not previously the pursuit on horseback that they had recently (gone) to Kambs'-ness's house.
Stíga þeir Hrútur þegar af baki og binda hesta sína og ganga fram á mel nokkurn og sagði Hrútur að þeir mundu þar við taka, kvaðst það hyggja þótt seint gengi fjárheimtan við Höskuld að eigi skyldi það spyrjast að hann rynni fyrir þrælum hans.
Hrut (and) they dismount at once and tie up their horses and step forward somewhat to a gravel-bank and Hrut said that they should receive (???), stated for himself that thought although slowly went the claim-for-money with Hoskuld that should not that is-heard-of that he ran before his thralls.
Förunautar Hrúts sögðu að liðsmunur mundi vera.
Hrut's travelling-companions said that odds would be. (as in "they thought it was a safe bet"?)
Hrútur kvaðst það ekki hirða, kvað þá því verrum förum fara skyldu sem þeir væru fleiri.
Hrut stated for himself that (he does) not care, stated then (the others) should to get the worst of it as they (i.e., Hrut and his companions) were several. (CV fara - fara því verrum förum, to get the worst of it)
Þeir Laxdælir hljópu nú af hestum sínum og bjuggust nú við.
The Laxdaelars sprang now from their horses and now got ready.
Hrútur bað þá ekki meta muninn og hleypur í móti þeim.
Hrut asked then not to hesitate and leaps in against them. (Z munr 4 - meta muninn, to hesitate)
Hann hafði hjálm á höfði en sverð brugðið í hendi en skjöld í annarri.
He had a helmet on (his) head and a drawn sword in (one) hand and a shield in the other.
Hann var vígur allra manna best.
He was best skilled-in-arms of all men.
Svo var Hrútur þá óður að fáir gátu fylgt honum.
Hrut was then so furious that few could follow him. (Z. geta 2 - ek get eigi fylgt yðr, I cannot follow you)
Börðust vel hvorirtveggju um hríð en brátt fundu þeir Laxdælir það að þeir áttu þar eigi við sinn maka sem Hrútur var því að þá drap hann tvo menn í einu athlaupi.
Fought well each-of-the-two for a while but soon the Laxdaelars found that, that they didn't have there to fight with him easy-to-deal-with as Hrut was because then he killed two men in one rush. (Z. eiga 10 - e. við e-n, to have to do with, fight with (brátt fundu þeir, at þeir áttu þar ekki við sinn maka)) (Z. athlaup - í einu athlaupi, in one rush (in a battle))
Síðan báðu Laxdælir sér griða.
Then the Laxdaelars sued for quarter. (Z griða - beiða (sér) griða, to sue for quarter;)
Hrútur kvað þá víst hafa skyldu grið.
Hrut stated then certain(ly) (they) would have quarter.
Húskarlar Höskulds voru þá allir sárir, þeir er upp stóðu, en fjórir voru drepnir.
Hoskuld's man-servants were then all wounded, they which stood up, but four were killed.
Hrútur fór heim og var nokkuð sár en förunautar hans lítt eða ekki því að hann hafði sig mest frammi haft.
Hrut went home and was somewhat wounded but his travelling-companions little or not because he himself had most out (in front) had (been).
Er það kallaður Orustudalur síðan þeir börðust þar.
That (place) is called Orustudale after they fought there.
Síðan lét Hrútur af höggva féið.
After-that Hrut gave up killing the cattle. (Z. höggva 6 h. af fé, to kill (slaughter) cattle)