From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 11250
Date: 2010-08-17
> Margir menn mæltu það að nokkuð mundu ganga skorbíldar í'Completely' needn't be inferred as an extension of
> fé Höskulds ef hann skyldi vandlega út gjalda móðurarf
> hans.
> Many men said that to some would go scoring-axes in
> Hoskuld's wealth if he should carefully repay out his
> maternal inheritance.
> Many people said it that some of Hoskuld's wealth would be
> shaved off if he should fully pay out his mother's
> bequest.
> Many men (persons) spoke that, that the scoring-axes would
> go (ie cut) somewhat (see nökkurr, Z2) into Höskuldrs
> property (wealth) if he he should (ie were to) exactly (ie
> completely) pay out his mothers-inheritance.
> Hélt það mest til þess að hann gafst best í öllumHere <halda til> seems to be 'to be the cause of': 'That was
> mannraunum.
> There were many reasons for this that he was proven best
> in all trials. (Z. halda III - heldr þar margt til þess,
> there are many reasons for this)
> Most considered it for this that he proved best in all
> adversity.
> That held (was attributed, see halda til, Z.III) mostly to
> that, that he proved-himself best in (the face of) all
> personal-danger.
> En þó að mannjafnaður væri hafður og til ágætis mannaThere's an example in CV (<þó> B.II.) showing <þó at> in the
> talað þá var það öllum mönnum auðsætt að Gunnhildi þótti
> hyggjuleysi til ganga eða öfund ef nokkurum manni var til
> Hrúts jafnað.
> And/but although comparison-of-men were had and to an
> excellent man spoken that that to all men evident that
> Gunnhild was thought thoughtlessness to go or envy if some
> man was to Hrut's equal. (huh?)
> But still to comparison of men were ??? and to excellence
> of man then were counted it clear to all people that
> Gunnhild thought thoughtlessness or ill will to be in play
> if any man were equal to Hrut.
> But even though a comparison-of-men should-be had (ie
> held, conducted, hafa, Z2) and (there should-be) talked
> (ie discussions-held) about (the) excellence of men , then
> (ie nevertheless) that was to all men (persons)
> easily-seen that (it) seemed to Gunnhildr (either)
> thoughtlessness to be the reason (cf ganga til, Z15) or
> ill-will if (there) was-a-comparison of any men with
> Hrútr.
> Með því að Hrútur átti að vitja til Íslands fjárhlutarBut <með því at> is also 'because, as', which is the sense
> mikils og göfugra frænda þá fýsist hann að vitja þess, býr
> nú ferð sína til Íslands.
> In case that Hrut had to go to Iceland much property and
> noble relatives then desired him to go thus, (he) prepares
> now his journey to Iceland. (Z. með 9 - m. því at, in case
> that)
> Because Hrut had to visit Iceland due to (his) great<Fýsist> is present tense, 'is desirous, is eager'; the past
> properties and noble kinsmen then he was eager to visit
> that, readies now his journey to Iceland.
> With that that (Because) Hrútr had to go to (visit)
> Iceland for (reasons of) property much and noble kinsmen,
> then he desired to visit that (ie go there), prepares now
> his journey to Iceland.
> Konungur gaf honum skip að skilnaði og kallaðist hannTo try to clear up a possible confusion, it's <reynt hafa>
> reynt hafa að góðum dreng.
> (The) king gave him a ship at (their) parting and said
> that he had found him a good and brave fellow. (Z. kalla 6
> - konungr kallaðist hann reynt hafa at góðum dreng, the
> king said that he had found him a good and brave fellow)
> (The) king gave him a ship at parting and said him to have
> proven (himself to be) a noble minded man.
> (The) King gave him a ship at parting and said-of-himself
> to have proven him for (ie found him to be. This is not
> reflexive, ie it´s the king doing the proving, just as in
> the example immediately below) a good fellow.
> Höskuldur kvaðst ekki fé eiga að gjalda, kvað eigi móðurHere <eiga> is 'to have to, to be obliged to': 'Höskuld said
> sína hafa farið félausa af Íslandi þá er hún kom til móts
> við Herjólf.
> Hoskuld stated for himself not to have money to give, said
> his mother didn't have gone penniless from Iceland then
> when she met Herjolf. (Z. mót 4 - til móts við e-n, to
> meet one)
> Hoskuld said he did not have (the) money to pay, said his
> mother did not go pennyless from Iceland then when she
> came to meet with Herjolf.
> Höskuldr declared-of-himself to have no property to give,
> declared his mother not to have gone property-less from
> Iceland when she came to (the) meeting with Herjólfr.