Star Wars XI end + beginning XII - - Grace's translation

From: Fred and Grace Hatton
Message: 11228
Date: 2010-08-06

"Ek skal svá gera," segir Víga-Óbívan, "Því at þú ert sannlega orðinn bróðir
minn. En hvat með Ljósamæki inu rauða?"

"I shall do so," says Slayer Obiwan, "You are truly become my brother. But
what (shall happen) with Lightsaber the red?"

"Þetta sverð tek ek sem mitt," segir Anakinn, "Ok sem fésekt handar mér."

"This sword I take as mine," says Anakinn, "And as a fine for my hand."

Anakinn fór nú til konungsgarðs með Falfaðin, en Víga-Óbívan keypti bát, ok
sigldi aptr til Jeðifjarða.

Anakinn went now to (the) king's castle with Palpatine, and Slayer Obiwan
kept (the) boat and sailed back to Jedi Firths.

XII. Kapítuli: Frá leyndartali Falfaðins konungs (Chapter 12: Concerning the
Secret Counsel of King Falfaðinn)

Anakin dreymdi margar nætr þat, at Paðéma dróttning þóttisk fengit
barngetnað, en þó at

Anakinn dreamt many nights that Queen Padme seemed to get pregnant but still

hon dó berandi. Því gekk hann til salar Falfaðins í kveld, meðan Falfaðinn
konungr át

that she died giving birth. For that reason he went to Palpatine's hall in
the evening while King Palpatine ate

með hirðmonnum ok hlýddi skáldum.

with (his) kings men and listened to skalds.

En áðr en þat at Anakinn fekk sagt Falfaðni þessi tíðindi, segir Falfaðinn

But before ??? Anakinn was able to tell Palpatine these tidings, King
Palpatine says,

"Anakinn, þú munt vita, at Jeðifjarðamenn vilja mik drepa."

"Anakinn, you will know that (the) Jedi Firth men want to kill me."

"Herra," segir Anakinn, "Góðir vinir er ætt Jóða Gormoarsonar mér; eigi vil
ek segja, at

"Lord," says Anakinn, "Good friends are (the) family of Yoda Gomoarson to
me, I do not want to say that

þeir sé undirforulir menn. Soki þeir at yðr, herra, standi þeir karlmannliga
ok opinberliga."

they be underhanded men. Should they attack you, Lord, they stand manfully
and openly."

"Anakinn," segir konungr, "Leitaðu dýpra. Þú veizt, at Víga-Óbívan mik
hatar, því at ek

"Anakinn," says (the) king, "Search deeper. You know that Slayer Obiwan
hates me, because I

foður hans lét drepa, en hann sótti eigi á mik þá er hann kunni vel gøra
fyrirsát á strond.

had his father killed and he did not attack me then when he was well able to
do an ambush on (the) strand.

Þóttisk þetta þér karlmannliga farit? Já, leitaðu dýpra. Þat er mikil skomm,

Does this seem to you manfully done? Yes, search deeper. It is a great
shame which

Jeðifjarðamenn ætla með galdra sína."

(the) Jedi Firth men intend with their charms."

"Herra," segir Anakinn, "Jeðifjarðamenn kveða galdra opinberliga. Þeir eru
ekki þeir

"Lord," says Anakinn, "(The) Jedi Firth men recite spells openly. They are
not those

menn, er rista rúnar á rótum í myrkvi, en heldr kveða þeir galdra til þess,
at spá ok at

men who write runes on roots in (the) murk, but rather they recite spells
for this, to forsee and to

lækna. En seiðmenn seiða seið ok hyggja flátt; ok ef þeir hjálpa monnum,
þeir hjálpa

to cure. But sorcerers cast magic and think false and if they help people
they help them

þeim til þess, at þeir vænta at þeir skyli hjálpa sér."

for this (reason), that they expect that they (who they help) shall help

En Falfaðinn konungr mælti, "Er þat eigi satt ok, at Jeðifjarðamenn gøra
svá? Hví

But King Palpatine spoke, "And is it not true, that (the) Jedi Firth men do
so? Why

læknaði Meis Vindússon hondina þér, ef þat var eigi til þess, at þú skylir

did Meis Vindusson cure your hand if that were not for this (reason) that
you should serve

Jeðifjarðamonnum þá er þeir sokja at mik?"

(the) Jedi Firth men then when they attack me?"

En Anakinn þagði.

But Anakinn was silent.
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa

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