From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 11193
Date: 2010-07-20
> At 10:51:47 PM on Monday, July 19, 2010, rob13567 wrote:Oops! Overlooked these.
>> Það nafn festist við hann.No problem here.
>> That name stuck fast to/with him.
>> That name stuck with him.
>> Það er sagt frá Hrapp að hann gerðist úrigur viðureignar,<Fyrir honum> is probably 'against him': 'they could
>> veitti nú nábúum sínum svo mikinn ágang að þeir máttu
>> varla halda hlut sínum fyrir honum.
>> That is said of Hrapp that he became ill-tempered, given
>> now his neighbors so much aggression that they scarcely
>> were-able keep their condition before him.
>> It is said of Hrapp that he became ill-tempered to deal
>> with, gave his neighbors now such serious agression that
>> they could scarcely keep their position because of him.