From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 11192
Date: 2010-07-20
> Translation follows. Actually "translation" may be tooThis one definitely has some challenging spots.
> strong a word here in the sense that normally you are
> supposed to be able to understand a translation, and there
> are several areas where I have a words in English
> purporting to be a translation, but I am not sure exactly
> what they mean....
> Þetta líkaði Melkorku þungt, þótti fóstrið of lágt.<Þungt> 'heavy, oppressive' has to be understood
> This satisfied Melkork oppressive, thought the fostering
> too low.
> Melkorka didn't think much of this, thought the fosteringRob's right about the 'too' (<of>): 'too low [in station]'.
> (to be) in a low station.
> Höskuldur kvað hana eigi sjá kunna: "Er Þórður gamallSee Zoëga s.v. <kunna> (10): <kunna> + infinitive is 'to be
> maður og barnlaus og ætla eg Ólafi allt fé eftir hans dag
> en þú mátt hitta hann ávallt er þú vilt."
> Hoskuld stated she did not understand: "Thord is an old
> man and childless and intends (eg?) all wealth after his
> day to Olaf but/and you can meet-with him always that you
> (are) agreeable.
> Hoskuld said of her not to be able to see (it that way),I would make it 'H. said that she was not able to see [the
> "Thord is an old man and childless and I expect Olaf(to
> get) all his wealth after his day and you may visit him
> always when you wish."
> Síðan tók Þórður við Ólafi sjö vetra gömlum og leggur viðThe second verb is present tense: 'and showers much
> hann mikla ást.
> Then Thorolf received Olaf seven years/winters old and
> added to him much love/affection.
> Afterwards Thord took Olaf at seven years of age and
> showered him with much love.
> Þetta spyrja þeir menn er mál áttu við Þórð godda og þóttiI found two clues. First, Zoëga has <e-t horfir fastliga>
> nú fjárheimtan komin fastlegar en áður.
> Such men hear of this which talk had with Thorolf Gooda
> and was now thought the claim-for-money come strongly than
> other.
> Those men who had actions against Thord goddi learned this
> and thought now (to see) a stronger (opportunity) than
> before to get money back (had) arrived. ( M&P have exactly
> the opposite sense here, but I don't understand how.)
> Höskuldur sendi Þórði gelli góðar gjafir og bað hann eigi<Fyrir laga sakir> is literally 'for the law's sake, on
> styggjast við þetta, því að þeir máttu engi fé heimta af
> Þórði fyrir laga sakir, kvað Vigdísi engar sakir hafa
> fundið Þórði þær er sannar væru og til brautgangs mættu
> metast "og var Þórður eigi að verr menntur þótt hann
> leitaði sér nokkurs ráðs að koma þeim manni af sér er
> settur var á fé hans og svo var sökum horfinn sem hrísla
> eini."
> Hoskuld sent Thord Gelli good gifts and asked him not to
> be offended with this, because they would be permitted
> (to) claim no money of Thord for on-account-of laws,
> stated Vigdis nothing on-account-of has found-fault-with
> Thord such which proves (to) be and until departure
> be-able to-be-valued "and was Thord not to worse
> accomplished thought he (to) try himself somewhat plan to
> come such a man of himself which places was to his wealth
> and so was cause forsaken-by-luck as a juniper twig.
> Hoskuld sent Thord gelli good gifts and bade him not be
> offended by this, because they could not get money back
> from Thord for sake of the law, declared of Vigdis to have
> found no cases (against) Thord those which were true and
> able to be reckoned to help, "and Thord was not worse
> accomplished although he sought some means for himself to
> get rid of that person who was sitting on his money and
> was so twisted a case as a twig."
> En er þessi orð komu til Þórðar frá Höskuldi og þar meðGrace: <færra> is from <fár> 'few; cold, reserved'.
> stórar fégjafir þá sefaðist Þórður gellir og kvaðst það
> hyggja að það fé væri vel komið er Höskuldur varðveitti og
> tók við gjöfum og var þetta kyrrt síðan og um nokkuru
> færra en áður.
> When this word came to Thord from Hoskuld and there with
> large gifts-of-money then Thord Gellir was appeased and
> stated-for-himself that (he) believed that that money
> would be well come which Hoskuld kept and received the
> gifts and this was then quiet and around some coolness
> than before.
> And when these words came to Thord from Hoskuld and there
> with important gifts of money then Thord gellir is soothed
> and said he thinks that money were well disposed which
> Hoskuld kept and accepted (the) gifts and afterwards this
> was quiet and somewhat less ? than before about.
> Svo var hann vænn maður að eigi fékkst hans jafningi.Here the <-sk> form is a passive, synonymous with the
> He was so promising a man that none gained-themselves his
> equal.
> So handsome a man was he that none would try? (to be) his
> equal.
> Þá er hann var tólf vetra gamall reið hann til þings ogYes: <öðrum> is the dative sing. masc. and dat. plural (all
> þótti mönnum það mikið erindi úr öðrum sveitum að undrast
> hversu hann var ágætlega skapaður.
> When he was twelve years/winters old he rode to (the)
> Thing and it-was-thought by-men that great mission out-of
> (öðrum = other?) districts that wondered how he was
> commendably created.
> Then when he was twelve years old, he rode to (the) ThingNot 'to wonder' -- that would be the plain verb, <undra> --
> and people thought it a mighty errand out of other
> companies to wonder how excellent he was built.
> Þar eftir hélt Ólafur sig að vopnabúnaði og klæðum.Rob: you want Zoëga s.v. <halda> (II.5), which gives 'to
> After that Olaf himself kept to armor and clothes.
> There after Olaf comported himself (well as) to armor and
> clothing.
> Var hann því auðkenndur frá öllum mönnum.Rob's essentially right. I'd say 'Thus he was easily
> Therefore he was of-distinguished-appearance from all men.
> He was (because of) it easy to recognize by all people.
> Miklu var ráð Þórðar godda betra síðan Ólafur kom tilRob's got it: you want Zoëga s.v. <ráð> (7).
> hans.
> Much better was (the) state-of-life (of) Thord Godd after
> Olaf came to him.
> Many were in agreement (?) (that) Thord goddi (became)
> better after Olaf came to him.
> Höskuldur gaf honum kenningarnafn og kallaði pá.Probably the translation of <kenningarnafn> that best
> Hoskuld gave him a surname and called (him) there-upon.
> Hoskuld gave him the kenning name (Peacock) and called
> (him that) then.
> Það nafn festist við hann.The construction in the main clause is <geta> + past
> That name stuck fast to/with him.
> That name stuck with him.
> Það er sagt frá Hrapp að hann gerðist úrigur viðureignar,
> veitti nú nábúum sínum svo mikinn ágang að þeir máttu
> varla halda hlut sínum fyrir honum.
> That is said of Hrapp that he became ill-tempered, given
> now his neighbors so much aggression that they scarcely
> were-able keep their condition before him.
> It is said of Hrapp that he became ill-tempered to deal
> with, gave his neighbors now such serious agression that
> they could scarcely keep their position because of him.
> Hrappur gat ekki fang á Þórði fengið síðan Ólafur færðist
> á fætur.
> Hrapp got no hold on Thord's booty after Olaf grew up. (Z.
> fra 4 - refl., frast á ftr, to grow up)
> Hrapp got no hold grasped on Thord after Olaf grew up.
> Hrappur hafði skaplyndi hið sama en orkan þvarr því að[None from Rob.]
> elli sótti á hendur honum svo að hann lagðist í rekkju af.
> Hrapp had a disposition the same but power for workAccording to Zoëga s.v. <hönd>, <á hendr> can function as a
> decreased because old age sought his hands so that he took
> to his bed.