Star Wars X part 3 - - Grace's translation
From: Fred and Grace Hatton
Message: 11158
Date: 2010-07-01
There were a whole bunch of things I could not figure out and would
appreciate any help.
Víga-Óbívan rann til langfoður síns Jóða, ok bað hann þess, at ljá honum
þess góða
Slayer Obiwan ran to his ancestor on his father's side, Yoda, and asked him
this, to loan him this good
sverðs er Dúkú smíðaði, ok þat sverð heitir Ljósamækir inn groni. Jóði seldi
sverð í
sword which Duku forged, and that sword is called Lightsaber the green.
Yoda handed over (the) sword
hendr Víga-Óbívan, ok Víga-Óbívan gekk til dreka með þessu sverði í hendi.
to Slayer Obiwan and Slayer Obiwan went to (the) dragon with this sword in
Dreki blés eldi mót Víga-Óbívan, en Ljósamækir inn groni var harðast allra
sverða, ok át
(The) dragon blew fire towards Slayer Obian and Lightsaber the green was
most hard of all swords and took
allan þann eld, er dreki blés. Þá hjó Víga-Óbívan til dreka, ok kom á fyrir
ofan kné ok tók
all that fire which (the) dragon blew. Then Slayer Obiwan hewed at (the)
dragon and (the blow) came above (the) knee and took off
af fótinn. Hann hjó aptr, ok tók af annan fót, ok þriðja. Dreki fell þá, en
the foot. He hewed back and took off another foot and a third. Then (the)
dragon fell, but Slayer Obiwan
reiddi upp sverðit hart ok hjó á háls dreka, svá at hofuðit fell á sandinn.
swung the sword hard and hewed at (the) dragon's neck so that the head fell
in the sand.
En hofuðit dreka kvað:
But the head of (the) dragon said,
"Sveinn! Ok sveinn!
"Boy! And Boy!
Hverjum ertu sveini um borinn?
To whom? are you born as a boy?
Hverra ertu manna mogr?
Of what man are you ??
Er þú gramr rautt
Are you an angry roar??
þinn inn grona mæki:
Yours the green sword:
stondumk til hjarta hjorr!"'
(we) stand sword to heart??"
En Víga-Óbívan kvað:
And Slayer Obiwan said,
"Ætterni mitt
"My kinsmen
kveð ek þér ókunnigt vera
I told you to be unknown
ok mik sjálfan it sama:
and myself the same:
Kval-Óbívan ek heiti,
I am named Tormenter Obiwan
Kvæggan hét minn faðir
my father was named Kvaeggan
er hefk þik vápnum vegit!"
that I have (I don't understand the "k") slain you with weapons."
Þá gekk Víga-Óbívan at dreka ok skar hjarta ór honom með Ljósamæki inum
grona. Jóði
Then Slayer Obiwan went to (the) dragon and cut (the) heart out of him with
Lightsaber the green. Yoda
var á brott horfinn, meðan Víga-Óbívan vá dreka, ok kom nú, er Víga-Óbívan
strauk blóð
had disappeared while Slayer Obiwan slew (the) dragon and came now when
Slayer Obiwan wiped blood
af Ljósmæki inum grona. Víga-Óbívan seldi þat góða sverð aptr í hendr
langfeðr sínum.
from Lightsaber the green. Slayer Obiwan handed that good sword back to
his ancestor on his father's side.
En þá sá Víga-Óbívan at Dúkú gekk á skipi Jóða, ok létti akkerum.
Víga-Óbívan kallaði
And then Slayer Obiwan saw that Duku went to Yoda's ship and pulled up the
anchor. Slayer Obiwan called
til Færeyinga, ok bað þá þess, at þeir skjóti hann, en þeir hofðu engar
fleiri orvar.
to the Faroese and asked them this that they shoot him but they had no more
Anakinn himingangari rann til fjoru, ok svam til skips áðr en Dúkú fekk
akkerum léttum.
Anakinn Skywalker ran to (the) ferry and swam to (the) ship before Duku was
able to raise the anchor.
Anakinn hafði tvau sverð í hondunum.
Anakinn had two swords in (his) hands.
Dúkú Jóðason brá Ljósamæki inum rauða. "Karlmannlega er at farit, sveinn,"
segir hann.
Duku Yoda's son drew Lightsaber the red. "(It) is gone manfully, boy," says
Dúkú høggr til Anakins, en Anakinn brá við sverðin, en Dúkú hjó hvert hogg
at oðru, svá
Duku hews at Anakinn, but Anakinn turned with the sword, but Duku hewed each
blow at another, so
at Anakinn fekk ekki hoggvit í móti. At lokum hjó Dúkú af Anakni hondina, ok
that Anakinn was not able to hew in return. At (the) end Duku hewed off
Anakinn's hand and
hann þá með annarri nokkura stund, þar til er hann fell í óviti til jarðar.
he defended then with the other (hand) for some time until he fell
unconscious to (the) ground.
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa
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