Re: Laxdaela Saga end 14 beginning 15 / Alan's Translation

From: Patti (Wilson)
Message: 11145
Date: 2010-06-22

Attachments :
drew Þórðr into conversation
I found this of particular interest Alan - respectfully I would say that bregða seems to
imply that Ingjald asked Þórðr to one side - the conversation being for him alone.
I believe the context infers that too, I much regret I cannot get to my Complete Sagas
for the moment in order to see what is said therein - they are under covers - WE !!
are decorating
Very much interested in keeping in touch - workload at UNI is rather hard until Oct/Nov
when classes are less frequent
-------Original Message-------
From: AThompson
Date: 22/06/2010 13:54:05
Subject: [norse_course] Laxdaela Saga end 14 beginning 15 / Alan's Translation

Here´s my translation. Suggestions highlighted.



Ingjaldur brá (bregða) Þórði á mál og sagði (segja) honum erindi sitt að hann kveðst þar hafa
ngjaldr drew Þórðr into conversation (does this mean the same as “began a conversation with Þórðr”?) and said to him his errand, that he declared-of-himself there to have

spurt (spyrja) til Þórólfs bróðurbana síns. Þórður kvað (kveða) það engu gegna
heard (gained intelligence) of Þórólfr, his brother’s-killer. Þórðr declared that
to signify nothing (ie he denied it, see gegna, Z3).

Ingjaldur bað (biðja) hann eigi þræta "og skulum við eiga kaup saman, að þú sel (selja) manninn fram
Ingjaldr asked him not to deny (it) “and we shall have a bargain (make a deal) together, that you deliver up (selja fram) the-man

og lát (láta) mig eigi þurfa þraut til en eg hefi (hafa) hér þrjár merkur
and cause me not to need a struggle to (get him) but (and) I have here three marks

silfurs er þú skalt (skulu) eignast. Upp
mun eg og gefa þér sakir þær er þú hefir (hafa)
of silver which you shall become-the-owner-of. I will also give
up with you (ie drop) those charges which you have

(göra) á hendur (hönd) þér í björgum við Þórólf."
(ie brought on yourself, see gera sakar á hendr sér, under sök, Z1) in (the) sheltering of Þórólfr.”

Þórði þótti (þykkja) féið
fagurt en var heitið uppgjöf um sakir þær er hann hafði
y seemed fair to Þórðr but (and) the giving-up (dropping) was promised concerning those charges which he had

áður kvítt
(kvíða) mest að hann mundi (munu) féskurð af hljóta.
already most fe
lt-apprehension (ie feared, see kvíða) that he would get (suffer) detriment from.

Þórður mælti þá: "Nú mun eg sveipa af
fyrir mönnum um tal okkart (possess pron = our) en þetta
Þórðr spoke then: “Now I will sweep
off (conceal = dylja) before men about our conversation but this

mun þó verða kaup okkart."
will nevertheless become our bargain.”

Þeir sváfu (sofa) til þess er
á leið nóttina og var stund til dags.
They slept until
(lit: upto that (point) when) the night was far spent (see líða a, Z6) and (it) was a short-time till day.

15. kafli
Chapter 15

Síðan stóðu (standa) þeir Ingjaldur upp og klæddust (klæðast). Vigdís spurði (spyrja) Þórð hvað
After-that they, Ingjaldr (and Þórðr) stood (got) up and dressed-themselves. Vigdís asked Þórðr what

í tali hefði (hafa) verið með þeim Ingjaldi um kveldið.
had been in (the) conversation between them (he and Ingjaldr) during the-evening.

Hann kvað (kveða) þá margt talað hafa en það samið
(semja) að uppi skyldi (skulu) vera rannsókn en
He declared them to have talked much but agreed-on
that, that (there) should be (raised) up a ransacking (lit. house-attack (search)) but (and)

þau úr málinu ef Þórólfur hittist eigi þar: "Lét (láta) eg nú Ásgaut þræl minn
they (ie he and she) out-of the-case (ie the charges against them dropped) if Þórólfr was-not-found there: “I caused now my slave, Ásgautr

fylgja manninum á brott."
to accomany the man (ie Þórólf) away.”

Vigdísi kvaðst (kveðast) ekki vera um
lygi, kvað sér og leitt (pp leiða or adj from pp) vera að Ingjaldur
(It) was-said by Vigdís not to like
(ie that she did not like) (see vera um e-t, under um) falsehood, declared for-herself also to be discontented (see leiða (2)) that Ingjaldr

snakaði um hús hennar en bað hann þó þessu ráða. Síðan rannsakaði Ingjaldur
rummaged about her house but asked him nevertheless to decide this. After that Ingjaldr ransacked

þar og hitti eigi þar manninn.
there and found not there the-man.

Í þann tíma kom Ásgautur aftur og spurði (spyrja) Vigdís hvar hann skildist (skiljast) við Þórólf.
At that time (moment), Ásgautr came back and Vigdís asked where he parted with Þórólf.

Ásgautur svarar: "Eg fylgdi honum til sauðahúsa vorra (várr) sem Þórður mælti
Ásgautr answers: “I accompanied him to our sheep-pen as Þórðr spoke
for (ie desired, expressed a wish for, see mæla fyrir, Z3).”

Vigdís mælti: "Mun nokkuð meir á götu
(gata) Ingjalds en þetta þá er hann fer (fara) til
Vigdís spoke: “Will something more (better) be in Ingjaldr
’s way than this when he goes to

Og eigi skal til hætta hvort þeir hafa eigi þessa ráðagerð saman
(his) ship? And (one) shall not risk (take any chances about) whether they have not born (devised, produced, see bera, Z3) this together

borið (bera) í gærkveld. Vil eg að þú farir þegar og fylgir honum í brott sem
yesterday-evening. I want that you go at-once and accompany him (ie Þórólfr) away at once (with all speed, see sem tíðast, under tíðr, Z6)

tíðast. Skaltu (skulu + þú) fylgja honum til Sauðafells á fund Þórólfs. Með því að þú
You shall accompany him to Sauðafell in a meeting with Þórólf (presumably some other Þórólf). With that that (ie if) you

gerir (göra) svo sem eg býð (biðja) þér skaltu (skulu + þú) nokkuð eftir taka
. Frelsi mun eg þér gefa og
do such as I ask you, you shall take something back
(ie get some reward, see taka eptir, Z12). I will give you freedom and

fé það að þú sért
(vera, subjunctive) fær (foerr) hvert er þú vilt."
that money (so) that you w
ould-be (stay) free-to-go, wherever you want.”

Ásgautur játtaði því og fór til sauðahússins og hitti
(past tense, present would be hittr, I think) þar Þórólf. Hann bað (biðja)
Ásgautr agreed to that and went to the sheep-pen and met
there Þórolf. He asked

þá fara á brott sem tíðast.
then to go away at-once (with all speed).


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