At 8:53:33 AM on Tuesday, June 22, 2010, AThompson wrote:

> Ingjaldur brá (bregða) Þórði á mál

> Ingjaldr drew Þórðr into conversation (does this mean the
> same as “began a conversation with Þórðr”?)

I'm not sure exactly what it signifies; it may mean that
Ingjald drew Þórð aside to speak with him.

> Ásgautur játtaði því og fór til sauðahússins og hitti
> (past tense, present would be hittr, I think) þar Þórólf.

Present 3rd person sing. active is <hittir>: it's Zoëga's
2nd weak conjugation, Barnes's weak type 3.
