From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 11116
Date: 2010-06-06
> Nú varð Anakinn hirðmaðr Paðému, ok fylgir hann henni, í<Þurfti> is past tense: 'needed'.
> öllum stöðum, hvert er hon þurfti at koma.
> Now Anakin became Padme's queen's man and he follows her
> in every place where she needs to come.
> Þau skiptu mörg orð saman leynilega, ok menn sögðuI think that the sense of <skyli> here is better captured by
> hlæjandi, at Anakinn himingangari þrælsson skyli biðja
> hennar fögru dróttningar.
> They exchanged many words secretly and people said
> laughing, that Anakinn skywalker thrall's son should ask
> (to marry the) fair queen.
> Þat er sagt eitt sinn, at Anakinn sagði Paðému draum sinn:<Eitt sinn> actually modifies <sagði>, not <sagt>: 'It is
> It is said one time, that Anakinn told Padme his dream,
> Síðan bjuggu þau Anakinn ok Paðéma ferð sína, ok þau kvámu<Kvámu> isn't a subjunctive: it's an older form of the past
> til Íslands í Nöbudal, ok sváfu þau þar á strönd nætr
> sakir.
> Afterwards they, Anakinn and Padme, prepared for their
> journey, and they came (why subjunctive?) to Iceland in
> Nobudal, and they slept there on a beach because of the
> night.
> "Ekki á ek hana lengr," segir Vattó.I believe that he's saying 'I no longer own her'. A similar
> "I have not had her in a long time," says Vatto.
> Hon sá Anakin ok þá sagði, "Flestir munu af manni þessum'Decide' isn't wrong, but 'have your way' probably expresses
> illt hljóta, en þó muntú ráða vilja."
> She saw Anakinn and then said, "Most will will suffer ill
> from this man, but still you will want to decide."
> Kléggr segir, "Ránsmenn miklir, Tuskinssynirnir, nam hana."'Great robbers'; 'many robbers' would be <ránsmenn margir>.
> Kleggr says, "Many robbers, Tuskin's sons, took her."
> Anakin þegir.<Þegir> is present tense: 'is silent'.
> Anakinn was silent.
> Hann sér konu á jörð, er blðr mjök, ok kennir móður sinn.'He sees a woman on [the] ground who bleeds greatly, ...'
> He sees a woman on (the) ground, (there) is much blood,
> and recognizes his mother.
> Hon spyrr, "Hvárt ek heyri rödd Anakins, sonar míns?"<Rödd> is 'voice'. It's in Zoëga, but you might have missed
> She asks, "Do I hear ?? of my son, Anakinn?"
> Anakinn hljóp [...]<Hljóp> is past tense: 'leaped'.
> Anakinn leaps [...]
> Anakinn lét erfa móður sína eptir fornri siðvenju.<Fornri> is the comparative: 'older practice'.
> Anakinn honoured his mother with a funeral feast after
> (the) ancient practice.