Laxdaela Saga 14 part 1 - - Grace's translation
From: Fred and Grace Hatton
Message: 11109
Date: 2010-06-01
There were a couple of words I couldn't find and would welcome any help with
this section.
14. kafli - Þórólfur vó Hall
Ingjaldur hét maður. Hann bjó í Sauðeyjum. Þær liggja á Breiðafirði. Hann
A man was named Ingjald. He lived in Sheep Isles. They lie in Broad Firth.
var kallaður Sauðeyjargoði. Hann var auðigur maður og mikill fyrir sér.
was called Sheep Isles Chieftain. He was a wealthy man and powerful.
Hallur hét bróðir hans. Hann var mikill maður og efnilegur. Hann var
His brother was named Hall. He was a tall man and promising. He was a man
of little value (or wealth?).
maður. Engi var hann nytjungur kallaður af flestum mönnum. Ekki voru þeir
He was not called ????? by most people. Those brothers were
bræður samþykkir oftast. Þótti Ingjaldi Hallur lítt vilja sig semja í sið
most often not in agreement. Hall seemed to Ingjald to wish little to
reform himself according to custom of
dugandi manna en Halli þótti Ingjaldur lítt vilja sitt ráð hefja til þroska.
brave men and to Hall Ingjald seem to wish little to raise up his means to
Veiðistöð sú liggur á Breiðafirði er Bjarneyjar heita. Þær eyjar eru margar
That fishing station lies in Broad Firth which is called Bear Isles. Those
islands are very
saman og voru mjög gagnauðgar. Í þann tíma sóttu menn þangað mjög til
close together and were very productive. In that time people much sought
(to go) thither
veiðifangs. Var og þar fjölmennt mjög öllum misserum. Mikið þótti spökum
for fishing. There were also a great many men at all seasons. (It) seemed
much to wise
mönnum undir því að menn ættu gott saman í útverjum. Var það þá mælt að
men regarding it that men were obliged (to get along) well together in (the)
outlying fishing station. It was then said that
mönnum yrði ógæfra um veiðifang ef missáttir yrðu. Gáfu og flestir menn að
því góðan gaum.
people would become luckless regarding fishing if disagreements happened.
Most men paid good attention to it.
Það er sagt eitthvert sumar að Hallur bróðir Ingjalds Sauðeyjargoða kom í
It is said one certain summer that Hall, Sheep Islands chieftain Ingjald's
brother, came to
Bjarneyjar og ætlaði til fangs. Hann tók sér skipan með þeim manni er
Bear Isles and intended to fish. He took a berth for himself with that man
Þórólfur hét. Hann var breiðfirskur maður og hann var nálega lausingi einn
is named Thorolf. He was a man from Broad Firth and he was almost a
freedman only?
félaus og þó frálegur maður. Hallur er þar um hríð og þykist hann mjög fyrir
öðrum mönnum.
without wealth and yet a quick man. Hall is there for a time and seems to
himself much superiour to other men.
Það var eitt kveld að þeir koma að landi, Hallur og Þórólfur, og skyldu
It was one evening that they came ashore, Hall and Thorolf, and would
skipta fengi sínu. Vildi Hallur bæði kjósa og deila því að hann þóttist þar
divide their catch. Hall wanted both to choose and deal (out the catch)
because he thought himself there
meiri maður fyrir sér. Þórólfur vildi eigi láta sinn hlut og var
a more superiour man. Thorolf did not want to give up his choice and was
using very big words.
Skiptust þeir nokkurum orðum við og þótti sinn veg hvorum. Þrífur þá
The exchanged some words with (each other) and each thought his way (right).
Hallur upp höggjárn er lá hjá honum og vill færa í höfuð Þórólfi. Nú hlaupa
Hall seizes up then a hewing iron which lay near him and wants to drive it
into Thorolf's head. Now men ran
menn í milli þeirra og stöðva Hall en hann var hinn óðasti og gat þó engu á
between them and stopped Hall but he was the most furious and still was not
leið komið að því sinni og ekki varð fengi þeirra skipt. Réðst nú Þórólfur á
to get his way? that time and their catch was not divided. Thorolf now went
brott um kveldið en Hallur tók einn upp fang það er þeir áttu báðir því að
during the eveing and Hall alone took up that catch which they had both
(caught) because they
kenndi að ríkismunar. Fær nú Hallur sér mann í stað Þórólfs á skipið. Heldur
recognized ????? Hall now brings himself a man in Thorolf's stead on the
ship. (He) continued
nú til fangs sem áður.
fishing now as before.
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa
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