Re: Njall 154 part 2 - - Grace's translation

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 10710
Date: 2009-11-13

Medieval naming practices have been a hobby of mine for a
long time, so I thought that I'd add a few comments on

At 11:42:56 AM on Friday, November 13, 2009, Fred and Grace
Hatton wrote:

> Hann sat í Kunnjáttaborg.
> He sat in Kunnjattaborg.

<Kunnjátta> is the Old Norse respelling of Old Irish
<Connechta> '(inhabitants of) Connaught', so <Kunnjáttaborg>
would literally be 'fortress of Connaught'.

> Bróðir hans var Úlfur hræða
> His brother was Ulf the intimidating??

The byname appears in various forms in different
manuscripts, including <hreða>. Its meaning isn't certain,
but it may go with <hrœða> 'disquiet, disturbance'.

> Fóstri Brjáns konungs hét Kerþjálfaður.
> A foster son of King Brian's was called Kerthalfad.

<Kerþjálfaðr> is an Old Norse attempt at Old Irish
<Tairdelbach>, which was pronounced very roughly

> Hann var son Kylfis konungs
> He was a son of King Kylfis

Nominative <Kylfir>. I've never been able to figure out
what Old Irish name -- if any! -- underlies this one.

> Dungaður hét son Brjáns
> A son of King Brian was called Dungad

<Dungaðr> is for Old Irish <Donnchad>, which was roughly

> konungs en annar Margaður,
> and the second, Margad,

Old Irish <Murchad>.

> þriðji Taðkur, þann köllum vér Tann.
> third Tadk - that we call Tann.

Old Irish <Tadc>, pronounced like Old Norse <Taðk>.

> Ekki var Kormlöð móðir barna Brjáns konungs.
> Kormlod was not the mother of King Brian's children.

<Kormlöð> is Old Irish <Gormflaith>, roughly \GORM-laþ\.

> Sigtryggur konungur og Gilli jarl vildu heyra tíðindi þau
> er gerst höfðu um brennuna og svo síðan er hún varð.

> King Sigtrygg and Earl Gilli wanted to hear the news what
> had happened concerning the burnings

<Brennuna> is accusative singular, 'the burning'.

> and also afterwards what became of it.

<Síðan er hún varð> is 'after it (= the burning) happened'.

> Þá var fenginn til Gunnar Lambason að segja söguna og var
> settur undir hann stóll.

> Then (it) was fitting that Gunnar Lambi' son tell the
> story and a stool was placed under him.

Zoëga s.v. <fá> (12): <fá e-n til at gøra e-t> 'to get
someone to do a thing'. Gunnarr was chosen (or perhaps
persuaded) to tell the story.


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