From: bmscotttg
Message: 10652
Date: 2009-10-15
> Björn mælti: "Það ætlaði eg ef eg héti nokkurum manni traustiIt appears to me that <munr> here is 'mind, heart': 'go into (his)
> mínu eða umsjá að þeim skyldi mun (munr = importance, Z2 or
> considerably, Z3) í fara."
> Björn spoke: `I expected that, if I promised to some man my
> support or care, that to them (it) should `go in' somewhat
> (ie sink in, influence their thinking considerably (?))
> Húsfreyja hans mælti: "Fyrr væri illa en þú værir drottinsviki.I think that this is actually more abuse from his wife, <vera illa>
> (dróttinsviki)"
> His wife spoke: `Sooner (things) were difficult than (that) you
> were a traitor.' (ie I would rather than ?)
> Margt töluðu þeir um þetta og hafði Björn í sínu orði hvort aðSee Zoëga s.v. <orð> for <segja í sínu orði hvárt> 'to say one
> hann vildi flýja sem harðast eða hitt að hann vildi bíða og taka
> í móti og þótti Kára að þessu allmikið gaman.
> Theu talked much about this and Björn had in his words whether
> that he wanted to flee as fast-as-possible or otherwise that he
> wanted to wait and to offer resistance (see taka í móti, Z12)
> and (it) seemed to Kári regarding this a very-great game (ie
> Kári was greatly amused by this, see mér þukkir gaman at e-u,
> under gaman, Z).