From: Edgar Widlund
Message: 10613
Date: 2009-09-18
On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 1:09 AM, Brian M. Scott <BMScott@...> wrote:
Just another note of thanks I owe you.Appreciate your help.Ed WidlundAt 4:41:44 PM on Thursday, September 17, 2009, Edgar Widlund
wrote:Yes, <himnum> is the indef. dat. pl.
> Hi folks,
> In lesson 8 of Norse Course in the declension of the noun
> Himinn the text renders this noun in the indefinite
> genitive plural as himnum. I Believe this might be
> incorrect because um is the dative indefinite plural.The indef. gen. (and accus.) pl. is <himna>. The basic
> Shouldn't this be something like himra ?
ending is <-a>, so you might expect *<himina>, but the
unstressed second vowel is lost, making <himna>.