From: Scott
Message: 10585
Date: 2009-09-08
Thanks! You have affirmed my hypothesis—it was only a guess until your
reply. As far as “comprehension in the other direction”, I doubt that very
many persons speak Old Norse—I know from experience that few speak
Koine Greek—and their speech is often incorrect: one instructor persisted
in confusing luo and louo because the [y] sound was not in his aural corpus
nor in that of any professor in the Greek Department—the largest Koine
Greek in the world.
Missed you at KWHSS this weekend.
From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Brian M. Scott
Sent: Saturday, September 05, 2009
7:13 PM
To: Scott
Subject: Re[2]: [norse_course] Old
Norse grammar
At 5:32:54 PM on Thursday, September 3, 2009, Scott
> Is Modern Icelandic mutually unintelligible with OldThere have been some pretty extensive sound changes. There
> Norse?