From: AThompson
Message: 10405
Date: 2009-06-24
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Fred and Grace Hatton
Sent: Wednesday, 24 June 2009 2:15 AM
Subject: [norse_course] Njall 142 part 5 - - Grace's translation
sögð fram sök,
declaration of a case
Here I think sögð is past participle of segja, rather than a noun, but I´m not sure why there has been a vowel mutation.
vil eigi vera sókn horfinn þó að eg gangi frá dómi gagna að leita eða
annarra erinda."
gagna here is genitive plural of gagn (see, Z6) (rather than the verb gagna) and the object of leita (which takes gen, see leita, Z1)
do not want (the)lawsuit to be lost even though I go from court to be of use
to prosecute or another errand.
Ketill úr Mörk svarar: "Hér er sá búi er hélt Merði Valgarðssyni undir skírn
en annar er þrímenningur hans að frændsemi."
Ketill of Mork answers, "Here is that neighbor who is called Mord Valgard's
son by baptism, and another is his second cousin by kinship."
hélt is pp of halda, not heita, and Merði is dative (see halda barni undir skírn, under halda, Z.iii, with preps)
að lögum. Eruð þið fyrir laga sakir ónýttir í kviðinum því að nú er rétt
lögruðning til
by law. You are before (the) law nullified? in the jury because now is a
correct legal challenge
pp. of únýta = made useless, see Z, so nullified, invalidated or disqualified (as MM&HP translate it) all seem to me OK.
Nú mælti öll alþýða og kváðu ónýtt málið fyrir Merði. Urðu þá allir á það
sáttir að þá væri framar vörn en sókn.
Now all the majority spoke and declared nullified? the case for Mord.
as above