From: llama_nom
Message: 10068
Date: 2009-03-12
> en það mundi eg vilja að eg hefndi þessa á þeim nokkurum er hann brenndu inni er nú hefir mig hent.""but I would like to take vengence for this thing that has just now happened to me on some of those who burnt him in his home"
> ekki taka mega af því hvað mælt væri."would not be able to take away from what would be said" (i.e. wouldn't be able stop people speaking [negatively] of it).
> Ásgrímur sagði það mikinn afla."Ásgrímur declared that [to be] great strength", or "a powerful force". This is the accusative noun 'afli', rather than the infinitive of the verb 'afla'.