Hjalti mælti: "Ekki mun mér um þetta einarðarfátt verða. Líkami Bergþóru
þykir mér að Hjalti spoke, "(It) will not happen to me that (I) fail in
courage concerning this. Bergthora's body seems to me to
líkindum og þó vel. En líkami Njáls og ásjóna sýnist mér svo bjartur að eg
hefi engis
be as might be expected and still well. But Njall's body and appearance
seem to me so bright that I have never
dauðs manns líkama séð jafnbjartan."
seen a dead person's body as bright."
Allir sögðu að svo var. Þá leituðu þeir Skarphéðins. Þar vísuðu heimamenn
til sem þeir
All said that so (it) was. Then they searched for Skarphedinn. (The) house
servants showed there where they
Flosi heyrðu að vísan var kveðin og var þar þekjan fallin að gaflinum og þar
mælti Hjalti
Flosi (and company) heard verses were spoken and there was thatch fallen
from the gable and there Hjalti said (they)
að til skyldi grafa. Síðan gerðu þeir svo og fundu þar líkama Skarphéðins og
hafði hann
should dig for (it). After that they did so and found there Skarphedinn's
body and he had
staðið upp við gaflhlaðið og voru brunnir fætur af honum mjög svo neðan til
knjá en allt
stood up by the gable end and his legs were very burned thus below to (the)
knees and all other
var annað óbrunnið á honum. Hann hafði bitið á kampinum. Augu hans voru opin
(the rest) of him was was not burned. He had bitten (his) lip. His eyes
were open and
óþrútin. Hann hafði rekið öxina í gaflhlaðið svo fast að gengið hafði allt
upp á miðjan
not swollen. He had driven the axe into the gable end so hard that (it)
had gone all (the way) up to between
fetann og var hún ekki af því dignuð. Síðan var hann út borinn og öxin.
?? and it had not lost its temper for that reason. Afterwards he was
carried out and the axe.
Hjalti tók upp öxina og mælti: "Þetta er fágætt vopn og munu fáir bera
Hjalti picked up the axe and spoke, "This is a rare weapon and few will be
able to carry (it)."
Kári mælti: "Sé eg mann til hver bera skal öxina."
Kari spoke, "I see a man who shall carry the axe."
"Hver er sá?" segir Hjalti.
"Who is that?" says Hjalti.
"Þorgeir skorargeir," segir Kári, "sá er eg ætla nú mestan mann í þeirri ætt
"Thorgeir skorageir," says Kari, "that one who I expect now to be the
greatest man in their lineage."
Þá var Skarphéðinn færður af klæðum því að þau voru ekki brunnin. Hann hafði
Then Skarphedinn was removed from (his) clothing because they were not
burned. He had layed
hendur sínar í kross og á ofan hina hægri. Díla fundu þeir á honum í millum
herðanna en
his hands in a cross and over the right. They found spots on him between the
shoulders and
annan á bringunni og var hvortveggi brenndur í kross og ætluðu menn að hann
mundi sig
another on the chest and both were burned in a cross and people expected
that he would
sjálfur brennt hafa. Allir menn mæltu það að betra þætti hjá Skarphéðni
dauðum en þeir
have burned himself. All people said that it seemed better (to be) near
Skarphedinn dead than they
ætluðu því að engi maður hræddist hann.
expected because no man feared him.
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa
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