From: llama_nom
Message: 10003
Date: 2009-02-24
> > "All his life, Tolkien enjoyedHaukur wrote:
> > filling gaps in what survives. There is, for instance, a well-known
> > gap in the Codex Regius manuscript of the Poetic Edda, where some
> > eight pages of the Sigurðr cycle are missing. But Tolkien wrote two
> > poems to fill this gap, in Old Norse, in the appropriate meter,
> > which are called, we believe, Sigurðarkviða hin nýja and
> > Guðrúnarkviða hin nýja. Unfortunately these remain unprinted."
> > Tolkien and Iceland, the Philology of Envy [
> > ].
> Ooh! Me wants it.I wonder if we're about to get our wish!!