From: Haukur Þorgeirsson
Message: 5794
Date: 2005-12-04
> Similarly in Valagaldur Kráku, only two hawks are mentioned, but theNo idea. I guess that theoretically they could have had more sisters and
> plural is used. And in Grottasöngr st. 11, the plural 'vér' is used
> (definitely for more than one person), but elsewhere in the
> poem 'vit'. I think this is referring to the two giantesses Fenja
> and Menja, unless other unmentioned subterranean playmates are
> implied?
> Query about Gunnarsslagr st. 9. Do you think might be "spears",You've guessed the answer, as usually. There *is* a masculine word with
> pl., that are seen in the dream, rather than just one spear (i.e.
> davr = dörr)? But then if so, why not 'roþin'? Is there a
> masculine 'dör(r)' attested anywhere else? I don't see one in
> Lexicon Poeticon.
> Davr sá ek þínom Lanceam vidi tuo A lance I saw
> dreyra roþinn cruore rubefactam red with thy blood
> The Latin matches Thorpe's translation near enough: "A lance I saw
> reddened with thy blood."