ON Adjectival Names with Negative Prefix

From: akoddsson
Message: 9899
Date: 2009-01-13

Ofeigr, Osvifr or Osyfr (long i or y), Ospakr, Otryggr, Oblaudr (dh) -
all with long o in the negative prefix. Undoomed or Unfay, Unbending or
Unyielding (final -r is of the root), Untame or Unwise (more likely
Untame in this context), Untrue (a very incongruous name, and in direct
conflict with Tryggr, Tryggvi, etc.), Unafraid. We can look at other
negative prefix-names later, like Othyrmir, when we look at the suffix
categories in -ir and so forth. Here we have no attested feminines.
Again, comments welcome. -Konrad

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