Njall 116 part 3 - - Grace's translation
From: Fred and Grace Hatton
Message: 9672
Date: 2008-10-06
Hildigunnur gekk þá fram í skálann og lauk upp kistu sína. Tók hún þá upp
skikkjuna þá
Hildigunn then went forward into the room and opened up her chest. She then
took up the cloak then
er Flosi hafði gefið Höskuldi. Í þeirri skikkju hafði Höskuldur veginn verið
og hafði hún
which Flosi had given Hoskuld. In that cloak had Hoskuld been slain and she
þar varðveitt í blóðið allt. Hún gekk þá innar í stofuna með skikkjuna. Hún
gekk þegjandi
kept (it) there all bloody. She went then inside into the room with the
cloak. She went silently
að Flosa. Þá var Flosi mettur og af borið af borðinu. Hildigunnur lagði yfir
to Flosi. Then Flosi was finished eating and meat taken from the table.
Hildigunn laid the
skikkjuna. Dundi þá blóðið um hann allan.
cloak over Flosi. Then showered (dried) blood all about him.
Hún mælti þá: "Þessa skikkju gafst þú, Flosi, Höskuldi og vil eg nú gefa þér
aftur. Var
She spoke then, "You gave this cloak, Flosi, to Hoskuld, and I want now to
give (it) back to you.
hann í þessi veginn. Skýt eg því til guðs og góðra manna að eg særi þig
fyrir alla krafta
He was slain in this. I call God and good men to witness (Z) that I swear
you before all (the) power
Krists þíns og fyrir manndóm og karlmennsku þína að þú hefnir þeirra allra
sára sem
of your Christ and for mankind and your servants that you avenge all those
wounds which
Höskuldur hafði á sér dauðum eða heit hvers manns níðingur ella."
(the) dead Hoskuld had on him or else be called the nithing? of each man
Flosi kastaði af sér skikkjunni og rak í fang henni og mælti: "Þú ert hið
mesta forað og
Flosi threw the cloak from him and threw (it) in her face (Z) and spoke,
"You are the greatest monster and
vildir að vér tækjum það upp er öllum oss gegnir verst og eru köld kvenna
best? that we take it up which suits all of us the worst and (these) are
cold counsels of women."
Flosa brá svo við að hann var í andliti stundum rauður sem blóð en stundum
fölur sem
Flosi turned so with (that) that he was in (his) visage sometimes red as
blood and sometimes pale as
gras en stundum blár sem hel.
grass and sometimes black as hell.
Þeir Flosi fóru til hesta sinna og riðu í braut. Hann reið til Holtsvaðs og
bíður þar
They, Flosi and company, went to their horses and rose away. He rides to
Holtsvad and waits there
Sigfússona og annarra vina sinna.
for Sigfus' sons and his other friends.
Ingjaldur bjó að Keldum, bróðir Hróðnýjar móður Höskulds Njálssonar. Þau
voru börn
Ingjald lived at Keld, brother of Hrodny, mother of Hoskuld, Njall's son.
They were children
Höskulds hins hvíta Ingjaldssonar hins sterka Geirfinnssonar hins rauða
of Hoskuld the white, sone of Ingjald the strong, son of Geirfinn the red,
son of Solvi, son of
Gunnsteinssonar berserkjabana. Ingjaldur átti Þraslaugu dóttur Egils
Gunnstein berserk??. Ingjald was married to Thraslaug, daughter of Egil son
of Thordar,
Freysgoða. Móðir Egils var Þraslaug dóttir Þorsteins tittlings. Móðir
Þraslaugar var
Frey's priest. Egil's mother was Thraslaug daughter of Thorstein sparrow,
Thraslaug's mother was
Unnur dóttir Eyvindar karfa, systir Móðólfs hins spaka.
Unn daughter of Eyving Karfa, sister of Modolf the wise.
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa
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