Re: [norse_course] Loki náði Iðunni ok dráp Þjaza - - Grace's t

From: Patti (Wilson)
Message: 9594
Date: 2008-08-29

I was stuck there  - I remembered reading Freyja - Friend and Full-Trui to me
used a legendary Hawk's Skin or some say a cloak of Hawk Feathers
Now I note that you have your plurals better than do I - I often make singles of
plurals - and in reverse - and then I have said what and it should be who
But we seem to think alike Grace and that's good for me !! anyhow
Um Bestur Kveðjur
-------Original Message-------
Date: 29/08/2008 17:30:16
Subject: [norse_course] Loki náði Iðunni ok dráp Þjaza - - Grace's translation
There were a couple of words I couldn't find.
Loki náði Iðunni ok dráp Þjaza
Loki recovers Idunn and kills Thjazi
En æsir urðu illa við hvarf Iðunnar, ok gerðust þeir brátt hárir ok gamlir.
Þá áttu þeir æsir þing, ok spyrr
And the gods became sick with the disappearance of Idunn, and they quickly
became hoary and old.  Then they had an assembly and ask
hverr annan, hvat síðast vissi til Iðunnar, en þat var sét síðast, at hon
gekk út ór Ásgarði með Loka. Þá var
each the other who last knew of Idunn and it was determined at last that she
went out of Asgard with Loki.  Then
Loki tekinn ok færðr á þingit, ok var honum heitit bana eða píslum. En er
hann varð hræddr, þá kvaðst
Loki was seized and brought to the Thing and he was promised death or
torture.  And when he became afraid, then he declared
hann mundu sækja eftir Iðunni í Jötunheima, ef Freyja vill ljá honum
valshams, er hon á.
he would look for Idunn in Jotunheim if Freyja wished to loan him hawks ??
which she has.
Ok er hann fær valshaminn, flýgr hann norðr í Jötunheima ok kemr einn dag
til Þjaza jötuns. Var
and when he goes with the hawks ?? he flies north to Jotunheim and comes one
day to giant Thjazi.
hann róinn á sæ, en Iðunn var ein heima. Brá Loki henni í hnotarlíki ok
hafði í klóm sér ok flýgr sem
He was rowing out to sea and Idunn was home alone.  Loki turned her into a
nut-like (form) and had (her) in his talons and flies as best (he can).
mest. En er Þjazi kom heim ok saknar Iðunnar, tekr hann arnarharminn ok
flýgr eftir Loka, ok dró
And when Thjazi came home and looks for Idunn, he takes the eagle's plumage
and flies after Loki and drew
arnsúg í flugnum. En er æsirnir sá, er valrinn flaug með hnotina ok hvar
örninn flaug, þá gengu þeir út
a rushing sound in (his) wings.  And when the gods saw, when the hawk few
with the nut and where the hawk flew, then they went out
undir Ásgarð ok báru þannig byrðar af lokarspánum. Ok þá er valrinn flaug
inn of borgina, lét hann
below Asgard and carried thither a burden of plane shavings.  And then when
the hawk flew in from the fortress, he let
fallast niðr við borgarvegginn. Þá slógu æsirnir eldi í lokarspánuna, en
örninn mátti eigi stöðva sik, er
fall down at the fortress walls.  Then the gods struck fire in the plane
shavings and the eagle might not ??
hann mássti valsins. Laust þá eldinum í fiðri arnarins, ok tók þá af
fluginn. Þá váru æsirnir nær ok
he ??? the hawk.  They loosed the fire in the feathers of the eagle and they
took off the wings.  Then the gods were near
drápu Þjaza jötun fyrir innan ásgrindr, ok er þat víg allfrægt.
and killed giant Thjazi before the inner gates of Asgard and that slaying is
very famous.
En Skaði dóttir Þjaza jötuns, tök hjálm ok brynju ok öll hervápn ok ferr til
Ásgarðs at hefna föður síns.
But Skadi, giant Thjazi's daughter, took a helmet, chain mail and all the
weapons of war and goes to Asgard to avenge her father.
En æsir buðu henni sætt ok yfirbætr ok it fyrsta, at hon skal kjósa sér mann
af ásum ok kjósa at fótum
And the gods offered her reconciliation and atonement and at first? that she
shall chose herself a man from the gods and choose by the feet and
ok sjá ekki fleira af.
not see any more of (the prospective spouse).
Þá sá hon eins manns fætr forkunnarfagra ok mælti: "Þenna kýs ek. Fátt mun
ljótt á Baldri."
Then she saw one man's feet (as) exceedingly fair and spoke, "I choose this
(one).  On Baldr there are few blemishes (Z)
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa
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