From: llama_nom
Message: 9500
Date: 2008-07-30
> Hún var ákaflega mikil og sterk sem karlar"She was extremely big and as strong as men [are]". This is 'ákeflega'
> She was a very spirited woman (Z-vehement - do not like)
> og lágu þau bæði senn"and they were both laid up [with it] at the same time"
> og lagðist Grímhildur niður í því"and at that [no sooner than he came in] G. lay down". 'í því' = 'í
> and Grimhild collapsed down (?to the floor?)
> og brakaði þá í hverju tré í stofunni.Yes, "and there was a creaking/cracking then in every timber in the room".
> with a creaking of the wood/planks of the room
> bjó um"dealt with it", "laid her to rest"
> I was unable to stop from being much affected by the narrative ofthis part of the Saga., and the account of the Kindness shown through