From: llama_nom
Message: 9473
Date: 2008-07-19
> inn í fjarðarkjafta þá er þar voru næstirLit. "in into those firth-jaws those [i.e. those firth-jaws] which
> in into a firth mouth then where there were nearest
> og að höfða þeim er þar gekk fram. Hann var allur skógi vaxin.forest.
> and to those headlands which went forth. It was all grown with
> Þá leggja þeir fram skip sitt í lægi"Then they brought their ship (forwards) into the anchorage"
> Then they reefed sail? from their ship into anchorage
> til þangað"thither to them". 'til' and 'þangað' express the same idea really:
> to (them) at once