From: llama_nom
Message: 9425
Date: 2008-07-06
> halda með landinu fram'fram' here is an adverb indicating motion, the direction they're
> they keep following the land in front
> settu enn stafn við því landi'enn' "again", rather than 'inn' "in".
> they set the prow in to the land
> En veður óx í hönd"But the wind grew higher and higher." (Idiomatic.)
> But storms grew in that place?
> when he had nothing to say about those lands'er' can mean "when", but can also introduce a clause that gives the
> er hann hafði ekki að segja af þeim löndum
> um sumarið eftirLeave out "roughly". The 'um', in this sentence, is just part of the
> roughly the following summer
> og keypti skip að honum"and bought a ship from him" (See Zoega 'at' definition number IV.8.)
> and bought a ship for himself?
> réð til háseta"hired oarsmen for [a voyage]" (See Zoega 'ráða' 7; 'til' 4).
> and decided on oarsmen
> Leifur bað föður sinn Eirík að hann mundi enn fyrir vera förinni."[...] that he should be in command of the voyage again." (As he had
> Leifr bade his father Eirik to still come on the voyage?