Njal 99 part 2 Patricia's Translation

From: Patricia
Message: 9201
Date: 2008-04-25

I hope this is received well - I had to re-type the whole thing
I cannot think how I managed to erase it
Síðan gengu þeir þangað sem Skarphéðinn hafði heyrt mannamálið og sjá hvar þeir Lýtingur eru við læk einn.
After that they went thither where Skarpheðin had heard men's voices, and see where Lýting (& co) are by a certain brook
Skarphéðinn hleypur þegar yfir lækinn og í melbakkann öðrum megin.
Skarpheðin  leaps at once over the brook and on to the bank of LymeGrass on the other side
Þar stóð Hallgrímur á uppi og þeir bræður.
There stood Hallgrim and those brothers  on top of the bank
Skarphéðinn höggur á lærið Hallgrími svo að þegar tók undan fótinn en þrífur Hallkel annarri hendi.
Skarpheðin hews/slices at Hallgrim's thigh so that at once it took/fell down (came off) but he seizes  Hallkel with the other hand
Lýtingur lagði til Skarphéðins. Helgi kom þá að og
brá við skildinum og kom þar í lagið.
Lýting thrust at Skarpheðin. Helgi came then at him and turned with the shield and it came on the thrust (Z)
Lýtingur tók upp stein og laust Skarphéðin og varð Hallkell laus.
Lýting took up a stone and struck Skarpheðin and Hallkel was free
Hallkell hleypur þá upp á melbakkann og kemst eigi á upp annan veg en hann skýtur niður knjánum.
Hallkel leapt up the LymeGrass bank but
made it only by crawling on hands and knees
Skarphéðinn slæmir til hans öxinni Rimmugýgi og höggur í sundur í honum hrygginn.
Skaepheðin swipes (?sidewise) at him with his axe - BattleHag and cuts down to his backbone.
Lýtingur snýr nú undan en þeir Grímur og Helgi eftir og kemur sínu sári á hann hvor þeirra.
Lýting now backs away but they Grim and Helgi pursue and
he had a wound from each of them
Lýtingur kemst út á ána undan þeim og svo til hrossa og hleypir til
þess er hann kemur í Ossabæ.
Lýting makes his way from then by the river and to his horse and he gallops until he gets to Ossaby
Höskuldur var heima. Lýtingur finnur hann þegar
og segir honum verkin.
Hoskuld was at home. Lýting funds him at once and tellas all that has happened to him
"Slíks var þér von," segir Höskuldur, "þú fórst rasandi mjög. Mun hér
sannast það sem mælt er að skamma stund verður hönd höggi fegin.
"Such was your expectation" (you might have known - with a touch of "serves you right") says Hoskuld "that will be proved as it is said - that only for a short time is the hand glad of the blow"
Þykir mér
sem þér þyki nú ísjávert hvort þú munt fá haldið þig fyrir Njálssonum."
"It seems to me - as it should to you if you can/can you protect yourself from the Njalssons"
"Svo er víst," segir Lýtingur, "að eg komst nauðulega undan en þó vildi eg
nú að þú kæmir mér í sætt við Njál og sonu hans og mætti eg halda búi mínu."
"It is certainly true" says Lýting "I got away with difficulty but still I want now that you bring about a settlement with Njal and his sons so I might keep my farm"
"Svo skal vera," segir Höskuldur.
"So shall it be" says Hoskuld
Síðan lét Höskuldur söðla hest sinn og reið til Bergþórshvols við hinn sétta
Afterwards Hoskuld has his horse saddled  and rode to Bergthor's Knoll
as one of six men
Þá voru synir Njáls heima komnir og höfðu lagst til svefns. Höskuldur
fór þegar að finna Njál og gengu þeir á tal.
Then Njals Sons were come home and had gone to sleep. (tired out)
Hoskuld went at once to see Njal and they went into a discussion
Höskuldur mælti til Njáls: "Hingað er eg kominn að biðja fyrir Lýtingi mági
mínum. Hefir hann stórt af gert við yður, rofið sætt og drepið son þinn."
Hoskuld spoke with Njal "Hither I am come to ask for/on behalf of my in-law/relative Lýting.
He has greatly wronged you and broken the agreement and killed your son
I believe this has come out better - I hope it does not get erased AGAIN
Any advice welcome

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