From: Patti (Wilson)
Message: 8926
Date: 2008-01-31
IMnsHO Grace - I fancy that the Scribe who wrote the Saga - was naive to a degree and was trying to be inspiring to people. The chances are, that the Scribe - if not Guðbrand - was a Christian writer!!
The Scribe was trying to portray Naivety in Guðbrand to show to Christian readers, the "innocence" of the Heathen Races
I doubt if Guðbrand was really naive - it is not the quality I would most associate with Norsemen
-------Original Message-------
From: Fred and Grace Hatton
Date: 31/01/2008 17:58:54
Subject: [norse_course] Njall 88 part 2 - - Grace's translation I wondered if the previous remark by Gudbrand was supposed to show his faith
or that he was naïve.
"Eigi munu goðin þessu valda," segir jarl. "Maður mun brennt hafa hofið en
borið út
(The) gods will not have caused this," says (the) earl. "A man will have
burned (the) temple and carried out
goðin. En goð hefna eigi alls þegar. Mun sá maður braut rekinn úr Valhöllu
og þar aldrei
(the) gods. But gods don't avenge all at once. Such a man will be driven
away out of Valhalla and never (allowed) to come there
koma er þetta hefir gert."
when (he) has done this."
Í því bili hljópu þangað menn jarls fjórir og sögðu þeim ill tíðindi,
kváðust fundið hafa á
At that very moment four of (the) earl's men ran thither and told them bad
news, said they have found in
akrinum þrjá menn vegna en særðan Þránd til ólífis.
(the) cropland three men slain and Þránd mortally wounded.
"Hver mun slíku valda?" segir jarl.
"Who will be the cause of such (harm)?" says (the) earl.
"Víga-Hrappur," sögðu þeir.
"Slayer Hrapp," they said.
"Þá mun hann hafa brennt goðahúsið," segir jarl.
"Then he will have burned (the) temple of the gods," says (the) earl.
Þeim þótti hann víst til þess líklegur.
He seemed to them certain to (be) likely (to have done) this.
"Hvar mun hann nú vera?" sagði jarl.
"Where will he be now?" said (the) earl.
Þeir sögðu að Þrándur segði að hann hefði lagst niður í runna nokkura.
They said that Þránd said that he had lain down in a certain thicket.
Jarl fer þangað að leita og var Hrappur þá allur í brautu. Skipaði jarl þá
til að leita hans og
(The) earl goes thither to search and Hrapp was then all away. (The) earl
arranged then to search for him and
fundu þeir hann eigi. Jarl var sjálfur í leitinni og bað hann þá hvílast
they didn't find him. (The) earl was himself in the search and he bade them
to rest themselves first.
Jarl gekk þá einn saman braut frá öðrum mönnum og bað engan mann með sér
ganga og
(The) earl went then all alone away from (the) other men and bade no man to
go with him and
dvaldist um stund. Hann féll á knébeð og hélt fyrir augu sér. Síðan gekk
hann aftur til þeirra.
remained for a while. He knelt and kept (his hands) before his eyes (Z).
Afterwards he went back to them.
Hann mælti: "Gangið þér með mér."
He spoke, "You go with me."
Þeir gengu með honum. Hann gekk þvers af leiðinni þeirri er þeir höfðu áður
farið og
They went with him. He went athwart their path which they had gone before
komu að dalverpi einu. Þar spratt Hrappur upp fyrir þeim og hafði hann þar
fólgið sig
came to a certain little dale. Hrapp sprang up there before them and he had
hidden himself there
áður. Jarl eggjar menn að hlaupa eftir honum en Hrappur var svo fóthvatur að
þeir komust hvergi í nánd honum.
before. (The) earl urged men to run after him but Hrapp was so swift-footed
that they
never came in proximity to him.
Hrappur stefndi til Hlaða. Þar voru þeir þá búnir til hafs hvorirtveggju,
Þráinn Sigfússon
Hrapp aimed for Hlade. There they were then each of them ready to (put to)
sea, Þráinn Sigfússon
og Njálssynir. Hrappur hleypur þar að sem þeir eru fyrir Njálssynir.
and Njall's sons. Hrapp leaps there to where? they are before Njall's sons.
Hann mælti: "Bjargið mér góðir drengir því að jarl vill drepa mig."
He spoke, "Save me (you?) noble-minded (men?) because (the) earl wants to
kill me."
Helgi leit við honum og mælti: "Ógæfusamlega líst mér á þig og mun sá betur
hafa er eigi tekur við þér."
Helgi looked at him and spoke, " (It) seems to me unlucky to you and such a
one will have better when (he) doesn't take you along."
"Það mundi eg vilja," segir Hrappur, "að þið hlytuð af mér mest illt."
"I would wish it,"says Hrapp," that you get from me most bad (M & P have
ill luck)."
"Menn erum við til þess," segir Helgi, "að launa þér það þá er stundir
"We are men (enough?) for this," says Helgi, "to repay you then that as time
goes on."
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa
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