From: llama_nom
Message: 8748
Date: 2007-11-22
>Afraid so! Old Norse 'dómr' is etymologically cognate with English
> From the Havamal, #77
> Deyr fé, deyja frændr,
> deyr sjalfr it sama,
> ek veit einn at aldrei deyr:
> dómr um dauâºan hvern.
> trans
> Cattle die, kindred die,
> thyself shall die the same:
> But I know one thing that never dies,
> The doom of the great dead.
> Thus: "domr"?
> Or is that too easy?
> Larry
> Deyr fé, deyja frændr, ....... Cattle/wealth dies, kinsmen die,I've no idea what it would even mean, in this context, to say that
> deyr sjálfr it sama, ......... oneself dies likewise;
> ek veit einn at aldrei deyr: . I know one [thing] that never dies:
> dómr um dauðan hvern. ........ opinion about each dead [man].