I don't do well with being "taught," either by a machine or a person, so I really prefer to have as much control as I possibly can over how much information I get when... that way it's not so much help as it is confirmation.
So I like #2, but would fairly strongly want it to be localized... so I can increase/decrease the ammount of detail for each word individually.
#3 would be my runner-up option, it sounds like it's basically an attempt to have the machine guess what setting I'd want, rather than letting me pick for myself.
If #2 has to be full text or full line or nothing, then #3 is better.
Having the thing exist in any form at all is better than the alternative :)
My usual 283 cents.
unnr .freelinuxhost.com/ReEnactment
Ontario 2009: Known World Dance Symposium
"Yey! Dancing!"